Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.

What I liked this week:


What I liked this week:

Have you ever seen a more beautiful floral maxi dress in your life!?

47% of American’s can’t dig up $400 for an expense. My face: O_o

I have been eying these linen pants for traveling this summer.

No more scary Uber rides for women. I would absolutely download this app and use this service when I need a cab from now on.

  • A comfy striped t-shirt dress for only $25? .. .
  • Reason #923546 why I check my bags before I leave, particularly abroad. This is particularly rampant in Paris I find, where they don’t bother to try and help generate repeat business or try to keep you. I know this is possibly stereotypical and it sounds terrible but.. frankly, Parisians don’t care when foreigners come by to buy their goods because they are assuming that they will NEVER see you again. So if it ended up in their favour, getting more money and you didn’t bother to go back and get what you are owed, why bother fixing it? Who cares about foreigners?
  • look strikingly like the Isabel Marant Poppy heels but for a fraction of the price. Like 1/4th of the price.
  • Oh, and not only that, being rude actually boosts luxury sales.
  • No more retail luxury for me, it’s overpriced now. Not worth it. I’m buying secondhand luxury.
  • A few rules on finding good, high-quality eats in any city. I’d agree with most of them.
  • Nothing more comfortable than a pair of blocked suede heels.
  • How much weddings cost in the United States; Manhattan being the top at $82,299 and Alaska the cheapest at $17,361.
  • without being too bohemian for only $44
  • I hate tipping. It’s not that I hate paying people nor do I hate giving people extra money for doing a great job, it is that I hate the whole structure of tipping. It is confusing and I wish more people would do it Chef David Chang’s way.
  • I am getting on board with especially when I need two free hands and arms to deal with a toddler.
  • All about Reed Krakoff the designer, who came up with the Boxer Bag which I love the look of its hardware and buckles of and the way it’s tied.

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