Ask Sherry: What is the best investment you’ve ever made?
You asked, and I am answering every Friday once I have enough questions! You can ask any question using the form here. What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’
Ask Sherry: Where do I find time to learn a new language?
I find pockets of empty time to do this all day long..
Would you rather have money or time?
The struggle between time versus money...
What’s the point in having all this money and time if your health sucks?
I read inspiring and motivating articles like this one from Dividend Mantra about people like Jason sacrificing short-term luxuries for long-term gain, such as not buying a car and
Were you born to be a boss?
I wouldn’t bet my life savings on this, but it sure is interesting work that I read in Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success. Gladwell basically states that
Luxury is the Opposite of what everyone else is doing
Luxury is basically what the masses aren’t doing. Think about it! In the past, people had their clothes tailored, then it became luxurious and fashionable to not make your ow
History and Future of Everything – The Concept of What Time Really Means in 7 minutes
What is the true meaning and concept of time in the grand scheme of things? This video answers that in about 7 minutes in a very neat, minimalist manner and basically tells you how
Learning how to cut my losses
I’m not talking about investments, although I guess this can apply to it. I’m talking about the times like when you buy a really crappy drink and you had expected to be