Week of Money: Fatigue, lack of sleep and lots of fruit juice gummies for meals
DAY ONE ??:?? — Bathroom run. Then milk. 6:49 a.m. — He “slept” in, after that one wakeup around 5 a.m.-ish I gather, and my partner also woke me up a bit with tr
Week of Money: Where Green Tea Kit Kats come to the rescue!
...where I buy a Dyson hairdryer and lust after some over-the-knee boots.
Week of Money: I finally start to relax at work. Just a little.
DAY ONE ??:?? — Three night wake ups. I’m tired. This is in addition to having woken up at midnight to snipe an auction. 6:00 a.m. — Little Bun wakes up “late” but as he
Week of Money: Dental fun fun fun…& where American milk causes an organic milk shortage in Canada
DAY ONE 6:00 a.m. — It isn’t that early. But I feel tired. I give the second book I bought yesterday to my partner to give to Little Bun so it doesn’t always seem li
Week of Money: Designer Bag <3
DAY ONE 5:34 a.m. — I don’t know what is going on, but I am feeling very lackluster and unmotivated to blog as of late. What is it? The dark dreary, cold days outside sign
Week of Money: Feeling very blah these days.
DAY ONE ??:?? — What the……. this feels early. 5:34 a.m. — FML. I thought he would sleep longer than this. Even until 6 a.m. would have made a huge difference for
Week of Money: Where I freak out over a possible $2800 overage charge
DAY ONE 5:20 a.m. — WHY?…… *ugh*… I guess I need to limit his naps… to maybe just 45 minutes. 5:39 a.m. — I log in, start working and make two teas
Week of Money: Home sweet home..
DAY ONE 4:01 a.m. — Jet lag. We are all up early. Little Bun is super chirpy and full of sunshine. At 4 a.m. I’m just.. tired. It looks dark outside. I tried to sleep more
Week of Money: In the home stretch now, leaving to go back home has never been so sweet.
DAY ONE 8:30 a.m. — I wake up from Little Bun telling me he is awake now. Announcing it, really. I’m still shaky. I had full body sweats all night (literally soaked the
Week of Money: Get me out of here, please.
DAY ONE 9:30 a.m. — Little Bun slept WELL. Must have been from all the crying and screaming we both did yesterday. We were both exhausted. My partner keeps getting up during the