Week of Money: Blackberries for all!
DAY ONE ??:?? — What in fresh hell is… Little Bun is UP!? It feels early. My body says it’s early. I drank a lot of homemade wine last night which re-confirmed my al
Week of Money: On the Red-Eye to Europe & the dreaded chickenpox…
DAY ONE ??:?? — The baby cousin sobs every 3 hours. I’ve forgotten how babies DO NOT sleep through the night and am sort of secretly relieved that he doesn’t because this is
Week of Money: Time to start saying ‘No’
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up and am excited because I am dropping Little Bun off and having the day to myself. 6:30 a.m. — Little Bun dressed, zero makeup, sunglasses and an out
Week of Money: Where I finally just take a day off.
DAY ONE 6:10 a.m. — I wake up and get dressed in a striped knotted dress with a belt, which I love. I should not have shortened it, to be honest. I should have left two inches o
Week of Money: Where I am sick but not as bad as before (Thank you Bio-K)
Banana Republich has done it again! LOVE their lineup.
Week of Money: Where I start prepping for a girls’ weekend in NYC
....and that includes Little Bun prep...