In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Are you warm or cool toned?
..and the most expensive purchases and whether or not people regretted it.
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 5 Fancy Occasion Outfits
Out of a basic 50-piece wardrobe, you should have at least a few items that make you smile and/or make you feel different in some way. For most people, 3 would do it. For me it is
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 5 of your Wild Card Pieces
Out of a basic 50-piece wardrobe, you should have at least a few items that make you smile and/or make you feel different in some way. These are items that for YOU is a piece you r
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 7 of your Trendy Pieces
Trends go in and out of style so it is hard to say what is in style and what is a classic piece. Skinny jeans were a trend until I made them a classic staple for MY wardrobe but so
The Ideal Style Wardrobe: 10 Basic Foundation Pieces
I say 10 but you could have up to 25 really because I love a GOOD foundation piece and I have plenty pieces I consider to be major basics. In a wardrobe of about 50 pieces, I think