You don’t touch my family.
I have been cyber bullied, harassed, attacked and called terrible names for many years because of my blogging and my views. They even hacked into email addresses and have been cons
By request – I have created a Forums section on the Blog
By request, seeing as many people are telling me I am one of the few Canadian, female bloggers out there who talks about money, wealth, style AND minimalism (phew), it seems to be
Calling women in STEM for a study!
I highly encourage any woman in STEM (Science, Technoloy, Engineering, math) — especially those of colour — to please do us all a favour and share your story with wonde
I’ll be adding an additional $100,000 to my net worth this year.
Super fast update on my life -- going to finally be way above the $500,000 mark this year.
How do you like the new redesign?
$$$ and $$$ of $$$$ later, this is what I have come up with — a sleeker, nicer version of my old site. I’ve tried to make it more minimalist & cleaner so sidebars a
Vanity Fair – My Stuff Q&A: Meant for famous people but.. y’know
Most of the links below are to my Instagram photos if you are curious about seeing the actual product/thing. TECH STUFF Favourite gadget: iPod Touch. I organize my entire life on
All I need is a little sunshine…
Got tagged by my very good friend Revanche to answer these questions. (I love these things!) 1. What’s the best thing you’ve purchased or been given in the past six months? Can
Conversations… with Save. Spend. Splurge.
Found a great list of questions from this book: ..and I thought it’d be a laugh to do it!: When I wake up these days, it is usually because of Baby Bun or my alarm for work
Getting to Know Me Better: My Habits and Routines
1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Run bleary-eyed and feed Baby Bun because that’s probably who’s waking me up. 2. What do you eat for