In the World of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week:
- OMG.. blueberry cake in a mug.. and it’s MICROWAVEABLE. Must. Eat. I am obsessed with mug cakes these days. Have you seen my instagram?
- I am a huge online shopper who returns a LOT and it is no surprise that as a result of shopping a lot, I tend to not only return a lot but overall, buy a lot more than I am used to. Not surprised at these article’s findings then, that they see a net benefit in offering a long return period & free returns. I only shop / frequent stores that allow free returns that are easy to do (Banana Republic, Zara).
- This flowy white linen skirt is what I want to wear when I think of summer which is so far away.. as I am pretty much bundled up in this Canada Goose coat (I do not feel a single thing.)
- Speaking of winter, I kind of want this Zella sweater. It has a nice asymmetrical moto look to it.
- [Video] So God made a Farmer. Superbowl commercial that I really liked. I am not religious by anyone’s standards, but damn that was a moving speech from 1878.
- Barely Famous is the most … incredible.. non-reality.. reality TV show. I am loving how funny the Foster sisters are. They’re kind of incredible and beautiful in a non-fake way.
- Michel Roux on Escoffier. If you are a foodie and you love BBC & learning about the history of food and chefs, this video is for you, it’s about 1 hour long.
- What Famous Folks Wear to Lunch at the Four Seasons; I like Martha Stewart’s coat..
- Canadians really are nicer than Americans if social media is to be believed.
- Games you can play with your child where you don’t have to move or talk. *wipes tears of laughter away*… I like the last one, where they pretend to be an adult.
- How to dress like a French woman with Josephine de la Baume
- Hong Kong is no longer free. We all knew it was coming, right?
- After 44 years in prison, this is one man’s view on the world. He went in at 25 and got out at 69. Everything was brand new for him. (H/T to The Asian Pear)
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