In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week:
- I kind of want this spinning worry ring because … I just do…and I know summer is in full swing so I sort of really want this SAND-FREE MAT. You heard me. A mat that is SAND FREE for the beach. Only $50.
- A fantastic interview with a woman who has gotten it together but by working at it & her self-confidence, it’s Inga Beale the chief executive of Lloyd’s.
- If anyone but a hot model wore these “it” looks, they’d look terrible. Frumpy and as if they robbed Grandma’s house and stitched all her doilies together to make outfits. Yuck.
- I have ALWAYS known that dressing differently makes you feel and think differently.
- Income changes over a course of a career for men and women. The women’s trajectory is really disheartening..they start at about $20K less. My career trajectory looks more like the guys’ O_o
- This cheating husband freed the ex-wife to flourish and find herself
- Eat what you want, within reason. Try for a lot of vegetables and raw foods. Ignore these silly studies about gluten and all this other nonsense.
- On faking an 80-hour workweek. Sad, but apparently necessary.
- If this doesn’t tug at your heart strings, nothing will.
- Walk for a little more than an hour a day and live 39% longer.
- I still need to re-create this outfit. Maybe next week.
- On raising your children to be bilingual or not?
- Having trouble sleeping? Try this breathing technique.
- Real instagram lives, I think I’d prefer this…! If only I weren’t Anonymous. My Instagram would be wild.
- Unfortunately, this isn’t just limited to the politics in the Capitol.
- It is not that hard, fashion retailers — STOP MAKING CRAP AND SELLING IT TO US.
The NY Times article fits my mind right now. or at least the things I want to say, which is ‘I am as good as a man, and i act like a man, as that’s what rewarded’… unsaid ‘so stop telling me the negative attributes that aren’t – being annoyed at lack of innovation, or work ethic, or commitment doesn’t make me a bad person, or a bad manager, or a bad woman. I demand more, and I expect more, and if it’s not delivered, why shouldn’t I express my frustration?’
And the ‘can you have it all’ – I see clearly in my partner, that he doesn’t do or have it all. If I don’t wash the clothes, they aren’t washed. he doesn’t step in, until it’s dire for him. If i don’t plan the week’s food, we eat out more. The bit that annoys me, is when he jokes it’s me who’s making him eat all the unhealthy food out. It’s like, he’s picked work as #1 and everything else comes second. Me, I try to make work balance with the things that make a household run, and me a good worker (ie good healthy food, professionally washed and pressed clothing (profess as in, actually do the above, not just picking from the cupboard)). SIGH. Sorry for the vent.
I know it’s such a touchy subject, but please be careful lumping gluten issues into the questionable studies category, especially since it wasn’t mentioned in the article at all. There are some of us for whom it is legitimately an issue. My grandmother was in ICU for months and very nearly died because of that protein. It has caused my mother and I some serious physiological issues as well. The presence of contradictory studies on the subject doesn’t change that. If nothing else, the fact that it’s turned into a fad diet of sorts for some has made it easier for us to find suitable substitutes, and the quality of those substitutes has skyrocketed in recent years.
With a fair amount of fighting for it, my trajectory looks like the male one too, but only because I made a huge point of going after all the raises and promotions I could justify to make up for my piddly starting salary.
This sand free mat, I need to see this thing in action. If you get it, please let me know if you love it!
I wish you had that kind of Instagram too! Real life is more interesting. 😛
Abigail @ipickuppennies
My husband lost his wedding ring during our move. (Kind of my fault because I kept putting off paying to get it resized, so it fell off.) So we got him a gear spinner ring. It’s perfect for his ADD fidgeting.
In case you need help rationalizing the purchase. I’m helpful like that.