Who are the top 1% in Canada?
The magic number from 2010 numbers is that you have to earn $201,400 to be considered in the top 1% of Canada.
That means about $16,783.33 a month as an income.
The rest (including myself) are in the 99%..
As a freelancer, I don’t work 100% of the time and my average income has been about $75,000, working less than 50% of the time by my calculations.
In 1982, it was $191,600 to be in the top 1%.
Over time, the gap is widening between the 1% and the rest of us, which does contribute to decreasing the happiness of a country.
I’m assuming this refers to household income as well, not necessarily individual income.
Even so, earning a lot of money doesn’t necessarily mean you have any idea how to manage it, so we can all take some perverse, schadenfreude-esque comfort in that fact.
Jane Savers @ Solving The Money Puzzle
49K last year and I worked a lot of very long, very hard hours on my feet.
The middle class is disappearing and people will have to pick which side they are on. There will be 2 classes – the have and the have nots. I am choosing to be on the have side and I am eliminating debt so I can’t be dragged down.
Is the 1982 figure adjusted for inflation or is it in real 1982 dollars?