There is no such thing as a self-made person, so give me all of your money you jack@$$
Disclaimer: To be clear, I do not fully align with either of their views as a whole. I agree with some points from one, and the other, but I don’t agree with each of them 100
Do you use WordPress Contact Form 7? How to stop spambots from emailing you
One of the most annoying things to date have been these stupid spambots coming by and emailing me with my contact form information. They send emails talking about cheap nike air ma
10 Essential WordPress Plugins
For those of you who might be interested, these are all the WordPress plugins I find useful in addition to this one that stops automated bots from attacking your site. Some of them
Attention all WordPress Bloggers!
Want to stop getting attacks from automated robots trying to guess your WordPress blogging platform and password? It can cause a lot of server load / lag time, frustration for your