Do you use WordPress Contact Form 7? How to stop spambots from emailing you
One of the most annoying things to date have been these stupid spambots coming by and emailing me with my contact form information.
They send emails talking about cheap nike air max, louis vuitton, ray ban sunglasses and with an email coherence only a spambot could achieve.
The best WordPress plugin I have found to keep them away to date is called: Honeypot but it only works if you use WordPress Contact Form 7.
How it works is that it adds an invisible field that only spambots can see and if they fill in this field (because they can never resist filling in all the fields), the message gets discarded immediately.
It’s ingenious because REAL messages won’t even see the field to fill it in as it’s only seen by spambots and real messages will get through.
I put it in about a month ago and I haven’t received a SINGLE spam email message yet.
Oh and by the way, here are 10 other essential wordpress plugins you might find as handy as I have.
Thanks for the tip! I have approval settings on mine and askismet does a pretty good job of filtering out any spam but it’s still a pain in the ass to have delete everything.
@Tania: Oh wait you’re talking about contact not comments? I don’t get spam generally through my contact form although I get a ton of spam comments. I’ll check what I’m using, can’t recall.
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
I should check this one out, my client’s before receiving lots of spam messages and it really takes time to delete it. She used the WordPress contact form 7 for the last few years ago, thanks for this great tip.
NZ Muse
Interesting! I can only think of one or two instances ever in which contact form messages have been spam, but if that changes I’ll remember this post.