My journey from $60,000 in debt to $200,000 as my net worth
On occasion, I review my net worth journey and subsequently, my money journey, going from being in debt to having a 6-figure net worth. It’s kind of my only motivation not to
Billionaire Facts and Figures
Explore more visuals like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
How much do you need to have saved to be able to retire in 20 years?
The answer seems to that in 20 years, around $1.2 million in Canada, according to Garth Turner. A few tidbits from his post… If you have 20 years to go before retiring (age 4
Should we all just live like we’re poor?
That’s the way I feel, every time I read or hear someone gasp: OH MY GOD that is SO expensive. I could spend that $700 on my rent instead of having bought an iPad! FOR SHAME.
The retirement savings rule: How much do you need to save?
One very simple way to figure out how much you need to save for retirement is to multiply how much you need in retirement, by how many years you expect to live. $40,000 IN RETIREME
Where do millionaires hold most of their wealth?
Where do millionaires hold their wealth? It’s an interesting question, and Dr. Stanley has the stats: Via THEIR WEALTH IS IN INVESTED REAL ESTATE Much like my milliona
Personal Finance Bloggers, let’s all just STFU for a moment
There is definitely a MINIMUM for basic money smarts. Say what you want, but it kind of goes like this: Don’t go into consumer debt for stupid, unnecessary items that youR
The Meaning of Life is to Live in the Now
Do you ever wonder what the point of all this is? What the purpose of our lives are? Personally, I believe we all have a purpose in life, and that’s to live. Breathing in one
How much should you have saved for retirement so far?
I’ve always wondered what the benchmarks were for saving, net worth and retirement numbers by age. It can be so hard to judge all of that, seeing as our income varies over ou
How I got out of debt
Disclaimer: This will not work for everyone, but this is how I got out of debt. THE BACKGROUND I was $60,000 of debt when I graduated from college (all tuition), with no consumer d