October 2016 Budget Roundup = $496,317.37 or a decrease of $11,983.85 or -2.41%
About to launch my new book: "Start a blog like a boss - How to make money" and this is my budget with income, expenses, net worth and dividends for this month compared to last mon
My Story of How I Grew my Net Worth – Part I – First $500K
Disclaimer: It is unusual, and even unrealistic so please don’t think that this is the norm. I just thought it would be interesting to share how it happened and Tim’s s
At what point would you feel wealthy?
It’s a pretty simple question — at what point would you feel wealthy? Is it a net worth number? Is it a feeling? Is it because you can do something you’ve never d
Why your net worth may not matter at all
Net worth, net worth! All we talk about in the PF world is how much money we have to our name, am I right?!? Well I am here to say that perhaps net worth is not that important as w
Wealthy People Don’t Realize Their Income
Misleading, I know, but it’s not that they don’t know how much they make, it’s more that when they make the money, they don’t spend it (also known as “
Your Salary in Real-Time Compared to Others
How cool is this? Your salary and purchasing power in real-time, hour, day, week, month or year.. Top 5 Ranking: Oprah LeBron James Top CEO Orthopedic Surgeon Myself —
10 Important Daily Habits and Attitudes of the Rich
Out of the original 20 Rich Daily Habits, I chose the 10 that are the most relevant/important and my reasons why: 1. 23% of wealthy gamble. 52% of poor people gamble. Gambling is a
How much money do I need to buy a house in cash?
Sounds like a rhetorical question, but it isn’t for me. I am thinking of how much money I would need above and beyond the actual purchase price (plus all the fees and so on)
My Net Worth Goal for 2014 and 2015
So now that I’m working, and I’ve already met my (old) net worth goal of reaching $250,000, I figured I should do some estimates for 2014 and 2015. So here are my two,
Got $11,000? You have more money than half of people under 35
I’m a millennial and apparently if I have more than $10,400, I have more money than half the people my age. Reading the article is also pretty depressing when you thin