Week of Money: Where I find out the cause of my migraines
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up refreshed, and Little Bun curls into my side, grabbing my arm like a Stuffie and snuggling it. I don’t move. I just lie there, feeling his heart b
What to consider when planning for your retirement
Retirement seems like a big grey area that seems to encompass so much. Everyone thinks it’s just a number we need to reach in terms of savings, and okay, we all know about th
Week of Money: Where I shop & pay almost $6000 for a new bag
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up early (I knew we would, we slept half an hour early) 6:23 a.m. — Little Bun reads comics on my phone, it’s his favourite thing to do and as long
Week of Money: Where Little Bun moves into Grade Two schooling
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up really early. I do not know how and why Little Bun seems to need less sleep but he is sleeping like a rock around 9:30 p.m. and then up at 6 a.m. sharp.
Week of Money: Where Little Bun tries my patience…..
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up super early. I know it’s my anxiety. I can’t go back to sleep. ??:?? — I drift back to sleep and then wake up again because Little Bun snu
Week of Money: Where I get a bombshell that I have to help my family even more
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up weak from my aura migraine last night. I really don’t feel 100%. 7:28 a.m. — I make a tea, look at the massive pile of pots and dishes, and I kn
Week of Money: Where my aura migraine hits me out of nowhere
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up to Little Bun wiggling in bed. I lean over and whisper: Are you awake? He tells me yes, and I get his milk, spilling it on the counter first (sigh .. I
Week of Money: Where I finally get settled into work (a bit)
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up tired, he didn’t sleep last night. I suspect he will nap today, but he’s in a good mood, so maybe not. 6:00 a.m. — We are cuddling in the
Week of Money: Where I finally hunt down a Dolce & Gabbana dress after 2 years
DAY ONE ??:?? — I wake up to Little Bun squealing, then when I pull a blanket over him, he snuggles into my side, and tries to put his head on my thigh as a pillow. 6:00 a.m. —