More Money Tips For the Rest of Us
Biking or walking instead of taking the car saves gas, helps the environment and burns calories not money. If you have a toddler like I do, it becomes an activity. Not everything h
Still 10 More Quick and Easy Tips to Save Money
More money tips, as posted on Instagram, ranging from negotiating like a boss to buying quality items.
10 More Quick and Easy Tips to Save Money
My money tips, mostly posted on Instagram, from #11 - #20.
10 Quick & Easy Money Tips to Save Money
All of my Money Tips posted on Instagram about how to live life with less expenses, mostly posted on Instagram #1 - #10
October 2016 Budget Roundup = $496,317.37 or a decrease of $11,983.85 or -2.41%
About to launch my new book: "Start a blog like a boss - How to make money" and this is my budget with income, expenses, net worth and dividends for this month compared to last mon
Defending why I split everything as 50/50 in my relationship
Okay, maybe “defending” is too strong of a word, but explaining sounded a little too wishy-washy for a title. (So sue me, I like strong titles!) Obviously I think this
Are girls more expensive than boys to raise?
Ever since I announced I am pregnant, a few fathers and grandfathers have joked that I better hope for the sake of my finances that I have a boy because girls are WAY more expensiv