My Wardrobe Statistics & Cost To Date: Over $50,000 In My Closet
I love this StyleBook app more than I can say!
I now know, and can see how much my ENTIRE wardrobe costs, and the value is really mind-boggling:
485 Pieces Worth $52,217.64
I wish I knew the breakdown by category, but remember that this includes EVERYTHING except underwear and home loungewear.
I am talking:
- All clothing
- All footwear
- All jewellery
- All scarves
- All bags
- All accessories
I own over $50,000 in my wardrobe, and it isn’t even at full retail price, because if I were to really look at the thrifted pieces (e.g. Hugo Boss cowl top, or my secondhand Hermès boots)… It would add another $20,000 perhaps.
I wear about 2 items per “Look” but that means nothing because I map just the top and bottom just to see it in my Calendar, and then I add footwear, bags, etc on the actual Calendar Day.
My average Look probably is at least 5 pieces, if not 6 with jewellery. Footwear, bag, sunglasses.
My colours are as expected:
The colours near to the bottom are pieces that are mixed prints and patterns, I tried to list them all.
I also love having this 25 Most/Least Worn as well!
I obviously wear a lot of flats, simple tanks, sunglasses and jeans as my “base” outfit…
Whereas what I wear once in a while as my stats are very new (only a month and a half in), show me what I do reach for and enjoyed thus far:
I also love the numbers with the Cost Per Wear:
The entire first row, and two of the second row? ALL THRIFTED / CONSIGNED.
The bag was $2 for instance, as was the dress, the James Perse shirt was only $20, etc.
The only full retail priced items up there is the white t-shirt, the lace ring, the tank top, and the sunglasses.
Everything else was thrifted, consigned, or on sale.
In contrast, it’s obvious that my most expensive items (e.g. my Burberry trench) as my stats are very new, are my WORST cost-per-wears:
Nothing up there is thrifted.. everything was bought at full retail or on sale in a store except those leather leggings for $253.73, they’re from The Row (eBay) and are fast becoming a staple in my wardrobe.
I think I might do this Wardrobe Stats update every month if you’re interested.
Let me know in the comments!
Lord have mercy, I’d be scared to do this!
Yes, please keep these posts comming, they are cool.
That being said, I’ve got to ask, when you tallied up everything and saw the total, did you feel a bit like Carrie, from Sex and the City, when she realizes that she spent the downpayment of an appartment on shoes? 🙂
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2PpWmwKihESince you love clothes so much, have you ever considered “going pro”? Offering your styling options to your friends and familly or even strangers for a fee? Or even cold calling local news papers to see if they would be interested in a style column every week? It would be a way of feeding your clothing creative streak without actually buying clothes for yourself.
I didn’t want to look up the price of everything over all of the years, plus a lot of my clothes have been worn many, many times.
But I am putting in clothes right now, and if I have never worn them or as I order them, I am putting in the cost, so that I can get the cost per wear. I am super excited to see what the cost is for the newer items.
I am really impressed with your commentment to filling it out!
Also, your post on organization of the app gave me some good ideas! I hate that I have to scroll past my Sperry duck boots each time I want to add short boots to an outfit, etc!