Money Talk: If you won $1 million today, what would you do with the money?
Invest it over the year in small increments straight into really solid dividend-paying investments from blue-chips that give out at least a 2% dividend, and start to live off that income ($20,000 @ 2%) a year.
(I wouldn’t drop a million in a day in the market, but something like $100K a month for the next 10 months until it is all invested…)
That’s it. I wouldn’t spend it.
It would go straight into investing, and I’d colour off (mentally) the half of my retirement fund goal.
I wouldn’t really have any debts to pay off — my house is free and clear and so is my car… so frankly I would be fine with just saving that money.
If you won $1 million today, what would you do with the money?
You can read the rest of the Money Talk questions here.
That happened to me after I was already a millionaire and then some with a paid for house and zero debt. I just invested it at Personal Capital. We spent a percent or two upgrading some of our hobby gear but we’ve never touched the rest or its growth. I’m sure it will just be part of the seven figure inheritances we in turn leave to each of our three kids someday. My mom and dad were regular middle class types, she taught public school and I doubt he ever made over $40,000 in his career but he still amassed a two million dollar estate by the time they had both passed. He was a good model of how to become wealthy on a relatively modest five figure income.
I want a place with a yard and fence so I can get a dog. In Auckland, a million would take care of my down payment for such a property! I might have a few bucks left over to lower my mortgage payments, too. 🙂
If I still couldn’t afford a house in Auckland (actually likely), I’d put maybe $800K in savings and put the rest of the money toward renting a nice place that allowed dogs.
Oh, and I would put a special fund together dedicated to ensuring that I never have to fly economy on a red eye ever again. My back is already killing me in my 40’s and that flight ain’t ever getting easier!
I would more than likely invest of it 95%. The other 5% I would redo my kitchen and bathroom in my ideal fashion and finish creating the garden of my dreams. I have been spending the last year doing some personal upgrades and these are the final on the list for 2019 and 2020.