In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where 25 Women Chat about Home Decor
25 Women on decorating their homes. Fascinating. For me, decoration is the lack thereof. I don’t need a ton of visual clutter but I also can’t live with just one white tea cup on a rack, y’know? I HAVE STUFF Y’ALL. This is my home if anyone is interested.
Anyone have any experience with SK-II? I tried a mask the other day and it seems to have healed my skin that was over exfoliated and red, but is that just a placebo because I DID lay on hyaluronic acid and moisturizer as well…
A lot of you asked about assessing quality in a garment, and I think To Universe with Love nails how to assess a garment’s quality. Me, I just stick to brands I know are very, VERY good and buy secondhand.
I am eying a letter tray for my home and this one in clear acrylic with rose gold seems elegant and very useful at the same time.
Are you a workaholic? Seriously, are you? I’m not, because I can’t bill for it, but I have seen my friends stay late at nights and on weekends to get ahead. When I leave work, I LEAVE work.
OOO! Days of the week in cute little stacking rings!? Sign me up. Reminds me of underwear with the days of the week on them.
Your start in shopping ethically. The first step is always to REFUSE to bring anything new into your home and closet (easier said than done, as I have been trying to Marie Kondo my closet for a long time now). Then REUSE what you own in your closet in an attempt to avoid buying anything new, then RETHINK your purchase (do you really want it?), and then RECYCLE and buy secondhand if you must. The very last option is to buy NEW which cannot be avoided in many situations.
I still use this eyeshadow palette for smoky eyes for pictures. Still love it.
Small companies can sometimes do things really well because they’re fast and make decisions quickly. This is what frustrates me about big companies with so many policies in place, and why I think places like Google instead are far more interesting and innovative.
My friend just bought these boots from Sam Edelman and they’re dead ringers for Fryes at half the price.. She loves ’em.
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