Do you have a unified way of approaching your life, work, etc?
I don’t know what to call it, but I am nicknaming it the..
“Organized Compartmentalized Approach”
I look at everything in broad swathes of grouped categories, and then I break it down to subcategory, and sometimes sub-subcategory.
This is how I organize my life (note: it is using the OLD ANotes app, I now use ToDo by Appigo which I have yet to review), my basic essentials for traveling like when I traveled for 2 months, my emails and letters, and obviously, my closet.
Below you can see tops, long-sleeved button up tops, long sleeved tops, dresses, then pants…
Even my finances, are broken down by category and subcategory using my budgeting tool.
I do this at work too, like naming files and folders, and I can’t go about my work until I have every piece of To Do on my list crossed off, checked and compartmentalized by order of priority and amount of work required.
The entire series can be found here: Women in Clothes Style & Fashion Survey
Ramona @ Personal Finance Today
It’s a bit hectic with me, although I do try to put everything into place and categories. Then I get back to the chaos (and have husband and daughter to help with it :)), then it’s all back to organizing and chaos again 😀