What do you think of perfume? Do you wear it?
The entire series can be found here: Women in Clothes Style & Fashion Survey
Perfumes don’t work for me, alas. I don’t think I have a particularly sophisticated taste for them, and I get a bad rash when I use them for more than a few days in a row. In that light, my recommendation for the Margiela fragrances is probably not very high praise or anything, but I do think they’re very nice! They’ve done a good job making deceptively simple, but well put together scents, for lack of a better description. I think Beach Walk and Tea Escape are particularly great, they’re exactly what they sound like (the beach or a matcha latte, respectively), but a subtle take on them.
Sarah | Smile & Conquer
I was never a big perfume person. I find that overly strong perfumes, especially heavy florals, end up giving me a headache. I changed my tune when I discovered the ‘Orange Sanguine Atelier Cologne’. I got a sample of it with a Sephora order one time and loved it. It’s expensive though, but I added it to my Christmas list last year and have worn it just about every day since.
perfume is poison…
PP Gal
The scent of perfume gives me headache. But I tried using cologne in college. Later on, I don’t use any and I’m fine with it and I also became sensitive with the smell.
I love perfumes. They convey my mood and I wear them to suit the seasons as well. I do not like overpowering, powdery or extremely sweet scents. I tend towards the clean, green or spicy smoky scents, though subtle florals work for me too. And, I often seek out perfumes that are not very common or discontinued.
I don’t like perfumes on other people normally. I use them sometimes, but only ones that I really love, and I definitely try to keep it really light. I don’t like the idea of spraying my skin with chemicals, so I usually just spray my shirt instead. It still works.
When I was in college, I fell in love with the body mist ‘In the Rain’ by Calgon. It is super light and fresh and I can barely smell anything when I put it on, but then it somehow combines with my natural body scents to become insanely enticing, and it lasts until you wash it off. I can usually still smell it on my worn clothes and jackets pre-wash and I’m always like, WHOA I LOVE THAT SMELL. Even after ~20 years! Guys have commented that I smell amazing, too. It is so very light that I can just pretend it is my natural scent 🙂
They discontinued it, unfortunately, but I’ve bought up every bottle I could find on ebay/the Net. I use it quite sparingly since it is so rare now, and I should be good for the next 5 years.
When I want to wear something heavier, I go for Ralph Lauren’s Romance. It also combines with my body scent to create a whole new fragrance. I can’t stop sniffing myself when I wear it, I must look like a loon! 🙂
It really is about finding those fragrances that work with your natural body chemistry to bring out the best in both.
NZ Muse
I wish I was. It would be neat to have a signature scent (I quite like light, fresh fruity perfumes).
But they tend to get up my nose and irritate me, so I don’t wear any at all. I’m really sensitive to smells.
I used to be a parfumista, with a wardrobe of 50 full bottled and 100+ decant and samples but after a few years of perfume frenzy I downsized to 3 full bottles only. I do love perfume, life without it is like life without lipstick -unthinkable.
Now that I own 3 perfumes only I can say I do have a signiture, and that is Robert Piguet’s Calypso. Rose, musk, geranium and a bit of soft leather. Give me roses and musk anytime, I won’t complain, vanilla and foody scents, not so much. I gravitate towards alluring, seductive scents with an oumph, skin and clean scents are just not my type.