Save. Spend. Splurge.

What do you keep in your closet but never wear?

What is in your closet that you never wear?

Oh my goodness what a loaded question.

It would have to be this gorgeous, GORGEOUS maxi dress I bought on a whim, love and still love:

Why don’t you wear it?

My lifestyle right now, is not maxi-dress + 4″ heels conducive. I need an EVENT to wear this to. I am dying for ANY even right now, I’m even planning on crashing Prince Harry & Meghan Markle’s wedding just to trot this number out.

For real.

Why do you keep it?

…because it is beautiful. It truly is. The colours, the print, I know I will wear it, with those gorgeous sandaled heels ONE DAY, and it has to happen. It just has to.

I’m considering wearing it, and just putting a sweatshirt over it, and trying to make it more “casual” for an outing to meet girlfriends in summer or something but … it really is a stunning piece meant for an event, at least a cocktail thing.

It’s just too beautiful for words.

I have other items I keep in the closet and don’t wear for similar reasons — too formal for work, but those other pieces I can wear them like pencil skirts by putting a casual sweater over top, and dressing it way down.

This one requires 4″ heels…


The entire series can be found here: Women in Clothes Style & Fashion Survey


  • Jodie Bierbrauer

    Please do not try to casual-down your gorgeous gown! I agree that the day (or night) will come when the perfect event arises and you will look stunning!

    As for me, I also have a couple unworn dresses. One was purchased for New Years Eve. Another for a wedding last fall that the weather didn’t cooperate with. It’s a cute dress and I know I’ll wear it eventually so I’m not worried.

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