Save. Spend. Splurge.

Week of Money: Where this is how you spot a good croissant


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

8:08 a.m. — I leave to drop off the car and work at the shop. I am working in the service center, and I lose track of time. I head out and grab a quick bite to eat, then come back to work again.

6:25 p.m. — Finally, I come home, they have to keep it one more day. It is raining like CRAZY, a huge thunderstorm happening, and I can barely see in front, so it takes me extra long to get home. Coming in the door, Little Bun hears the door open and exclaims from the living room, coming to greet me:

OH THANK GOODNESS. I was so worried!!!!!!! 

I told him it took longer because they told me they didn’t have the parts for the side window, so they have to wait until tomorrow when they can go access the parts.

He told me: NEVER MIND. I’d rather have a broken passenger side window than no Mommy!! I thought something happened!! I was so scared. I was so worried you weren’t coming home.

I told him I was sorry, and next time his father could always email or text me to ask how I am doing and where I am, as I had my phone with me.

6:46 p.m. — I go to eat the dinner that was made, and Little Bun wiggles into the seat beside me, informing me: I waited for you because I’m not hungry until you come home to eat with me. Apparently he held off eating anything because he wanted to eat with me, and wanted to be sure I’d be safe. Lost his appetite until I came home.

This child. I can’t believe we are so close, and how incredibly conscientious and sensitive he can be. I told him next time it was okay to eat without me, and I would eat alone when I came back.

I remember when he was … 5? 6? When I was doing a presentation for a few hours, he was outside of my door, sobbing and crying blue murder because he wanted to eat his crêpes with me, and I wasn’t able to for 45 minutes. I realized how badly he wanted to share his food with me and to hang with me with everything he deems “good” or “fun”, to make sure I also got to participate.

Even when we eat something and I don’t have it, he offers me a bite of what he has “would you like a taste?“. He is VERY VERY kind, and sweet. Then again, I model to him how I want him to be because that’s how I am. I always offer him everything to try, give him bigger pieces of his favourites, etc.

He once told me – Mommy, I gave you the biggest piece of the cake because I love you so much and I know you love this cake the best.

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed. I am drained.

Spent: $0


7:30 a.m. — I grab the car, pay the bill. Then I head home while taking work calls. $910

8:08 a.m. — Little Bun peeks his head out of the bedroom door, and smiles. He knows I am home, and he is happy now. He runs back to do his work.

8:45 a.m. — I log in. More work calls.

5:40 p.m. — I log off for the day, and relax, watching some Hoarders. Little Bun watches with me, and says: Oh my my, my!!…

HOW OLD IS THIS CHILD? LOL. He must be getting these expressions from his books. He told me the other day he loves to read books and that’s the problem. He is sitting in the bedroom, trying to get his work done, and getting distracted by magazines and books beside him on the floor. I suggest we grab a blanket and cover them so he isn’t tempted, and he lights up – What a great idea, Mommy! – so that’s what we did, and that seemed to help.

5:12 p.m. — I am spending the night checking his pages. I have left it for too long, I have over a month’s worth of work to check and correct.

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $910


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

12:22 p.m. — Lunch time.

3:40 p.m. — Little Bun takes a break with me, and tells me he’d love to teach the Stuffies some table manners. Like how to go to a restaurant. He got this idea off Baby Looney Tunes where the babies in the show, learn how to sit at a table and learn how to act properly with others around them, and with waiters, in public.

I make them do silly things like squeal: GIMME GIMME I AM HUNGRY

Little Bun also tries his best to learn how to be a waiter, and I teach him how to set the table, clear it, then what to say – “Would you like a drink?”, and so on. He tries his best to remember what they ordered, checks on substitutions and what they ordered by confirming with the kitchen in the back, etc. He tells me he wants to be a great waiter and this is his first time!

5:12 p.m. — Little Bun wants to play the game again after I log off work. It’s exhausting  – I tell him I will do it tomorrow. He just loves it when the Stuffies are rude and he gets to help them learn how to speak properly and be polite. To say: Thank You, not “YOU THANK!!!”… and stuff like that.

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

2:51 p.m. — I do a quick guide to help people who have been asking me how to spot a good croissant (LOL).. as a connoisseur of them … this is what I have learned:

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $0


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working. This is the most pressure I have felt. They have to let off and give us a break next week.

4:15 p.m. — I am watching more Hoarders, and it is sad. They really need help. My parents are partial Hoarders. My mom gets so annoyed, she loses it and just chucks it all, but my father is someone who will hoard newspapers. YEARS OLD newspapers. Why? No idea. It’s because he got it for free at midnight from the local stores who cannot sell them, so if you want them, it’s free instead of paying $2 for the paper in the morning. It’s a compulsion.

5:12 p.m. — Dinner, dishes and laundry. Little Bun is wiping down cutlery.

6:25 p.m. — FYI

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

9:13 p.m. — But not before this happens:

Spent: $0


7:50 a.m. — The weekend. I wake up “late”. Any time past 7 is VERY late for Little Bun, and I.

12:22 p.m. — FYI

5:12 p.m. — Dinner, dishes and laundry. Little Bun is wiping down cutlery. I am cleaning everything so that the kitchen is clean and clear before tomorrow when he has to cook.

6:25 p.m. — We play some Clue, which he enjoys greatly because he is getting better at it!

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed. He has been reading a lot more lately since we confiscated the iPad and computer. I am happier about it. We may never give these items back then.

Spent: $0


6:48 a.m. — I set up my new Kindle Oasis I purchased. $300

7:50 a.m. — Wow. I love this Kindle!!!!! I will never go back to a Kobo. Honestly, the response time, the screen, the buttons, the feel, it is just amazing compared to a Kobo. The only downside is I cannot borrow directly on this device from OverDrive which is the one advantage Kobo has over Kindle. But I can charge it with a cable, connect it to a cable and use it to transfer all sorts of books in .mobi format, as well as do it wirelessly by emailing it to me.

12:22 p.m. — Lunch time. Little Bun has co-opted my new purchase. … lol.. He loves how fast it is versus the old Kobo, and I am happy for him to read as much as he reads, so I let him have it as long as he wants.

1:05 p.m. — Down for his Quiet Time / Nap. He doesn’t want to. He’s gripping onto the Kindle, wanting to finish the book.

3:40 p.m. — We play a little and he asks for the Kindle again, reading his books. I am browsing outfit ideas, and I love this look:

5:12 p.m. — Dinner – we are having delicious vegan burritos.

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $300


Want more? Read all of my previous Week of Money Diaries.

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