Having an issue giving myself a break to relax
Whenever I get free time, I am working on the blog, on social media.. you name it. I am never really “off” where I lie around, read a book, decide I am going to just do
Ask Sherry: Which is better? Debating a condo apartment versus a house
Ask Sherry Anything: Where I talk about how we decided to double our daycare costs to pay for preschool, and whether a condo or a house is better.
How to have less stuff for a less stressful life
How to declutter to get rid of stuff the easy, painless, effective way.
How not to stress and freak out when you’re at work
Freaking out at work is very easy to do. What is not so easy, is to calm yourself down by simply telling yourself these things.
In search of trying to create the perfect life
I’ve been thinking a lot about personality lately and how it determines a lot of what happens in our lives. People from the same background, even from the same family (like m