Week of Money: Where the weather finally warms up in time for taxes
..and Little Bun refuses to nap.
Week of Money: Where I am looking forward to Spring..
Oh and I am determined to really ramp up another source of income.
Week of Money: Where I feel free from yoga obligations
I'm sort of happy I got rid of my yoga subscription...
A Week of Money: Where I get my 6th cold of the season…
I need to pull back and stop just going to Starbucks willy nilly.
Week of Money: Where I pay stupid fees, like REALLY STUPID ones
It's a good thing I'm selling off so much stuff to make up for my STUPID A** MISTAKE.
A Week of Money: Where I spend over $3000 in a span of 2 days
In a blink of an eye, my entire budget gets blown in 2 days.