Save. Spend. Splurge.

Living without a smartphone seems to bother some people

Specifically, my NOT having a smartphone seems to irritate / irk some folks.

(Mildly bothered of course, they’re not rabid mad at me for not having one, but it just bothers them.)

I find it rather amusing that I don’t have a smartphone but people think I need one, and here are a few of my observations:


Technically the business is my brain but same difference. I may not have a storefront and inventory but I am a freelancer.

So as a business owner, I SHOULD have a cellphone, and at the very least a smartphone, no?


I only need a telephone number and that’s what I have. I don’t have a smartphone.

Actually, the guys at the U.S. border are constantly baffled by this when I try and cross on a working visa, and they ask me where my smartphone / cellphone is and I tell them I don’t have one.

(I use email for everything. Phones can’t record details, emails are better for that.)

You can see their faces get this puzzled “does not compute” look because as a business person… EVERYONE has a cellphone goddamnit!

Even BABIES have cellphones.

(Okay not really, but apparently they make Fisher Price cellphones now to play with for $9.) Grandma? I’m learning how to interact with a device instead of a human!

 It’s called the “Laugh and Learn” Flip phone.

Does anyone find that name as ironic as I do?

I think smart phones to some extent have made us dumber, not smarter.. and not to mention that we don’t really know the effects of potential radiation that is coming off from these items.

Seeing as they kind of have to be glued to your head to speak, I wonder if it has any medically-related, long-lasting effect on our brains other than its obvious addictive qualities.


Late 15 minutes to our meeting?

I have no effin’ clue where you are and what you are doing.

I’ll just think you’re ill-mannered, and didn’t show up on time and this annoys me because I really hate being late and I expect people to not be late either.

(It’s just rude, being late. It’s like telling someone: Screw you, my time is more valuable than yours. We made plans but you can wait for me.)

Granted in this case, I tend to wait anywhere from 15 minutes – 45 minutes depending on my mood, what I had to eat that day (if my blood sugar is low, I am less patient), and who I am meeting.

I am also more forgiving in certain circumstances. I don’t hold grudges against people being late unless they are consistently flaky and late.. in which case, I just stop meeting with them if I am able to.

But you know what? It forces people to show up to meet me because they couldn’t get in touch with me to bail on plans that we’ve made.

If you don’t want to meet me, say so. I won’t be offended.

Just don’t call the day of the meeting to cancel and expect me to want to give up another slot of my time (including getting there and back) to spend time and meet you.


I plan everything. If I have to be somewhere, I need to know at least 24 hours in advance. I can squeeze in a meeting with a 12-hour time frame, but … basically you need to do me the courtesy of telling me you want to meet.

There’s no such thing as: “Hey I’ll just call you.. and we’ll do.. something.. whenever I call!

What am I? Your lap dog? Am I just waiting around for your call, hanging by the phone hoping that you do so we can go out?

No .. no I am not.

You have to give me notice. At least 24 hours, preferably 48 because guess what? I MAY HAVE PLANS TOO!


With email at home, I have a specific place and set hours to answer emails. I am not glued to my phone answering emails 2 seconds afterwards, and I choose when to answer (which I like!)

Also, when I am out with friends.. I AM OUT WITH FRIENDS.

I am not glued to my phone tweeting about how awesome it is to be with friends. I am actually thrilled and feeling awesome to BE with friends.

Remember talking … opening your mouth and letting words come out?.. To friends?… Without an electronic device in between you?

It’s kind of how you made friends early in life, without an electronic device… right?


I know a couple that sits right beside each other and would prefer to text message, instant message or email each other than to actually open their mouths and speak.

Yes. They prefer texting each other to speaking.

So it becomes extremely awkward when people take this behaviour of being glued to their smart phones as being totally acceptable and normal.

You end up at a dinner, sipping your drink awkwardly, watching your dinner guests text message and tweet to each other about how excited they are to be with you ….. while ignoring you.

My brother in particular is a crazy fiend for this. He will be on his smartphone pretty much every minute of the day he is awake.

He feels sick if he doesn’t check his phone to see if there’s an email, a new piece of news, or what have you. I can see the addiction in his eyes and it’s kind of scary.


When the phone rings and I am lying down watching a video, or napping I ignore it and let the answering machine get it.

In fact, I curse that stupid phone for ringing because I don’t want to get up and it’s ruining my moment.

If I hear that it happens to be urgent because someone is screaming: PICK UP THE PHONE GODDAMNIT! … then I get up and pick up the phone.

Otherwise, it is not life or death, so I leave it.

I’ve seen people react to their phones like Pavlov’s dogs.. jumping up at the slightest buzz, ring or just to pet their phone to make sure it’s alive.

Honestly, it sounds exhausting.


I don’t have this fallback option of actively having to check my phone every 10 minutes to see what happened on Facebook, Twitter or what have you.

Unless I am in front of a computer, I am not checking anything. I am focused on my conversations with others, I am concentrating on Baby Bun and I am not ignoring anyone beside me who wants to spend time with me.

It kind of drives me mad that when people come and visit (*cough*brother*cough*), the minute you turn around, he’s on his phone checking his email or .. surfing.. or doing whatever.

I want to say: Can we have a human-to-human conversation without you touching that device!!?!?



  • Hayley

    Just interested to know how people are feeling about this in 2024? My smartphone was damaged and I decided not to pay for ridiculous cost of repair and wait for free upgrade. I was a bit lost to start but I have survived! The worst thing is other people, it annoys them more than me! I’ve missed nothing urgent but if it takes a few hours (max 3) to get back to somebody about something that is not urgent (they know where I am and can call a landline if urgent) they become anxious and in their own words frustrated! I also feel like I’m offending them if I say I actually like not having a smart phone!? After many of these conversations, I now find it amusing and the more they go on,the more I’m inclined to continue without. These are not kids either who have never lived without a mobile, these are people in their 50’s. I do not work in a field of urgency and do not want to be glued to a phone I am paying for and have to pay the repair bill because of work and other people s anxiety because I take a bit longer to respond. I use my tablet, facebook messenger and connect where I can. The non WhatsApp user really is stress fuel for others!! Maybe no one will read this as this article is from 2014 but I feel better having written what I feel.

    • Sherry of Save. Spend. Splurge.

      I can tell you I got a smartphone and it is now like my mini computer. On the one hand, I love it. I make notes, I work on it, I do so much.. on the other hand, I am wasting so much time doom scrolling. If you can live without it, don’t get one again.

  • Lila

    My bf doesn’t have a smartphone and he’s better off for it I think. His friends know he can be reached on his Skype phone at home, by email and instant message.

    Bothering people on their cell phone after work is like bothering people during their lunch hour. It’s just rude! The bad thing is that there are so many bosses and co-workers who do this.

    I only got a smartphone, I waited years to get mine. I honestly use mine as a toy and the only “smart” feature that I end up using is my “maps” (GPS) app. I used to be notorious with my friends for getting lost if I was supposed to meet them at a new restaurant. Now I’m on time (for the most part).

  • Tania

    This is very timely as I will be cancelling my $84/month iPhone plan at the end of this month. The unusual thing about me cancelling is that I am the only one I know going this route that uses my smartphone CONSTANTLY for productivity purposes. I also stream a lot of internet radio/podcasts. Most people that I hear about cancelling their smartphone are more along the camp of not using the “smart” features anyway. I’m going to write a post about it so I won’t expand here but basically I’m got too many ways to be connected. I have an iPad mini (wifi only) and a hotspot. The cell phone carrier plans are SO rigid. I would love to get a cheap very minimal voice minutes plan but the cheapest is $40 for 450 which is overkill for me (I text more than talk). I used to have the $5 for 200 texts plan and a few years ago, they did away with that so now I pay $20 for unlimited which is more than I need. And they lock you into a 2 year contract. Without signing a contract, a new iPhone will run almost $800 and you’ll still get taken for $84/month. And the only carriers that will let you buy an iPhone without a contract anyway are the ones with the sucky reception/coverage. So I’m stopping the madness and removing the iPhone noose from my neck. I’m going with a $25/month unlimited talk/text (I don’t have a landline btw so it’s my only phone). I can still hook up via my iPad or iPhone with my hotspot or using wifi but for most of the day I won’t. Only if I need to synch the data on my to do list or note taking app (I can work on those apps without being connected and just log into wifi daily to update the cloud/macbook). I’ll definitely have to change my habits somewhat in regards to music/podcasts and won’t be doing the random social media check-ins unless I am involved in promoting an event (I get invited to tweet/instagram, etc. fun live events as a blogger from time to time). Otherwise it can wait until I’m home on wifi.

    If I had a lifestyle/working situation like yours I can totally see not even needing a hotspot. For me, I’m away from home all day and I’m more efficient if all my to dos/calendars/contacts for work/blog/personal for my different hats are available for viewing on one device. I have found it very refreshing to go out of the house with just my cheapie prepaid phone with no data. It is extremely freeing and I feel more “present” when dining with friends or going for a walk without the temptation to look at my phone. It is also true what you said about emergencies. If you can’t do anything until you reach home, seeing an email while out only produces pointless anxiety and ruins the moments you are off duty.

    When my iPhone eventually dies, I’ll either just have a tablet or replace with an iTouch. We’ll see, I’m not sure yet.An iTouch is ~$300 versus the $800 no contract iPhone and can handle the same apps.

    So,you are not weird at all!

    • Tania

      @Tania: Oh and the thing I love the most about my cheap prepaid phone! The battery lasts several days. Smartphones tend to start dying out in the afternoon.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      Thank you for validating I am not a freak!!

      I just find it to be really unnecessary especially at those prices. I mean $84/month for something I don’t really need is a waste. I’d rather buy shoes.

  • debt debs

    I’m not guilty of being tied to my phone because it’s a work phone. I’d rather ignore it. LOL

    We have call display and I use it – a lot!
    I know what you mean about people being so focused on their phones though, it’s like it just all of a sudden spiked or something! My kids included!

  • Kassandra

    I have an android smartphone but I think I use it for the GPS feature more than anything else! I do use it to e-mail a lot for work but I make sure to program it so it doesn’t load e-mails automatically between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m. during the week-days.
    I have gotten comments from friends about why don’t I have an iPhone and that I should get one. Why should I give up my current phone that works just fine and is paid for in full just to show that I have an iPhone?

    • save. spend. splurge.

      So why not get a GPS instead? 🙂

      I don’t know if an iPhone is all that great. I had one and it bugged on simple applications sometimes, not syncing properly and so on. Android would be the way to go I think.

  • CorianneM

    I have a smartphone, but I rarely call people for a chat, mostly my mom. I text with friends who have non-smartphones and Whatsapp with the rest of my contacts. And Google Maps! That is great too 🙂 And I use it to check train times (you would not BELIEVE how many times the information signs at the station get it wrong here in the Netherlands) on the train company’s website. I do check news and email and Facebook now and then, but I try not to do that anymore. I’ll be checking it while on the train home, which is stupid, because I will be home soon and can check it on my computer if I want to! I’m trying to use it less and less, and only for basic stuff.

    When I go out, I usually have my phone with me. Unless I go for errands or grocery shopping, I just leave it at home. Most of the time I have it on silent and I generally only take calls if I want to take a call at that moment. When I’m at home I have it somewhere lying around on silent and check it every few hours, but that’s it.

    Generally I get really annoyed by interruptions when I’m working on something, so that’s why I turn the sound off so I cannot be interrupted. I can always call back. This ties into my dislike of impromptu plans. I generally don’t like them, as I am the kind of person who plans her day the day before. Even if it’s just household stuff and errands, I have my plans! Unless it’s really really good plans, I might be up for it, but otherwise I would try not to go.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      At least you can check train times and have accurate results. Here, they SAY that buses for instance come in 4 minutes or are “Due” to arrive but it’s never really that accurate. They’ve been trying to improve that but.. *shrug* I think they should put RFID trackers on all the buses on a big map and let us see where each bus currently is (e.g. at each stop).

      If I am commuting and there’s nothing to do, I’d probably read and check my emails at home so I can reply right away and not make any typing mistakes (some are very embarrassing).

      We usually turn off the phone and use it like an answering machine. The phone annoys me so much mostly because IT INTERRUPTS MY NAPS!!!! 🙂

  • Liz

    I don’t have a phone (neither a cell nor a smart phone), although I do have an iPod that I use to check emails while on the go, courtesy of free public wifi. 🙂 People think it’s really odd but I can’t stand the telecommunication plans that are offered in this country, and like you, I love that people can’t change plans on me last minute either. I share a land line with an answering machine, and it’s more than enough for my current lifestyle.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      Yes I have the same thing — an iPod Touch that I use to hit Wifi once in a while (if I DESPERATELY need to).

      I really don’t like having an electronic leash on me.. and they DO track where you are with the phone, I noticed it sucking little bits of data here and there on occasion.

  • GirlinaTrenchcoat

    Oooh boy, definitely guilty of doing #5 a lot.

    We’ve become so used to instant messaging that I get worried when a reply does not come ASAP. And I actually say “sorry for the delayed reply” when it takes more than 30 minutes to get back to someone just because I feel so guilty that they may have been waiting! Woof, woof, Pavlov’s dog, yep that’s me.

  • Danielle

    I have a few friends who are ‘mobile-less’ and as long as they are organized and reliable, it’s fine. It’s the people who are ‘mobile-less’, and unreliable that make me crazy!

    • save. spend. splurge.

      Hey I agree with that. I am mobile-free and extremely reliable / on time. It annoys me to no end when people aren’t, particularly if they have all the tools at their disposable to be organized and efficient. The smartphone is supposed to help them!!!

  • Morgaine

    I have a smartphone but I wouldn’t say I’m glued to it or addicted to it (my hubby, on the other hand …) I like using Twitter or reading an e-book on the train or waiting for things but I never use it when I’m out with people and I think its just rude. I was over at friend’s house for a bonfire on Victoria Day weekend and instead of enjoying the fire and friends, everyone (but me and one other person) were on their phones. I don’t necessarily feel that the phones themselves are “evil”, they are a tool, it all depends on how you use it.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      I can see using the phone as an ebook reader but I find the screen hurts my eyes. It’s why I got a Kobo Glo.. I couldn’t strain my eyes any longer.

      Phones like money are tools but people get addicted to them. It REALLY irks me when people are on their phones when we’re all together in a group. I can understand checking messages when someone goes to the bathroom or something, but not in front of them tweeting or instagramming how awesome it is to be with them.

  • Lee

    I totally understand this ! My smartphone contract was up for renewal and I chose to finish, get a five pound phone and use pay and go. I get funny looks and my husband is convinced I’m deficient as I no longer can instantly check on updates of any kind! Talking of which – he drives me mad constantly flicking through his phone while were supposed to be watching a film or being out and about together.
    It’s a constant bone of contention, I wish I could throw his away ! As it is I’m going to insist on nights of no technology just us- as you say it’s so rude being with someone who’s focused solely on what’s going on in the box in their hand !
    As a society, we have been taken over by technology.
    Smart phones, dumb people !
    Too busy face booking or tweeting what they’re doing than actually enjoying the moment ( I’m all for personal snaps of the moment btw ) it’s almost a cry of ooh look at me and and what I’m doing, then seeking validation of comments on their post.
    I also agree the point that why should we be instantly available for someone 24/7 ? Being constantly on call is mentally wearisome.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      *LAUGH* @ “my husband is convinced I am deficient”

      I really hate it when people are on their phones when you’re with them. Unless you are waiting for news like when the baby is arriving or a big contract, I can’t imagine being on a phone… just because you wanna be on your phone. It’s the height of rudeness in my opinion.

      I know a couple who divorced over her addiction to her phone. She was a project manager and couldn’t put it down, so their marriage disintegrated because he felt like she wasn’t really living with them or spending time with him and the kids.

  • Emily @ Urban Departures

    I have a smartphone. It’s a hand me down from my sister. It’s one of the oldest gen ones and all I use it for are random phone calls/texts (I have a pay-as-you-go plan for emergencies when I’m on the road). People don’t understand how I can get by without a real plan and, God forbid, DATA! It saves me at least $50/month, so I get by, thank you very much.

    My pet peeve is when I’m having dinner with a friend and all throughout our time together, the friend glances at his/her phone to check for msgs. It bothers me even more when they respond back. Ugh. It’s so common nowadays that I don’t think people realize how rude it is.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      We have a “smartphone” too, an iPhone but only with the talk and text plan. I even tried to get text eliminated because I thought it might save us money and we never use it.

      As it is for “talk” we barely use it.

      I don’t have a data plan for the phone either.. and people look at me in horror when I tell them I don’t have a cellphone. It’s literally a problem for them.

      It is as you said — no one realizes how rude it is.

  • tomatoketchup

    I’d go back to a basic flip phone if it were not due to 2 things: google maps and the iPhone camera. I was unfortunately born with a directional IQ of about 70, and sometimes even with GPS I still get completely lost. I love taking pictures of stuff, and my iPhone has a very competent camera. I think if I were ever to revert to a basic phone, I’d have to carry around an actual camera in my pocket all the time.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      Does the iPhone camera need a data or voice plan? I’m pretty sure I use my iPod touch’s camera and my iPhone (without a data plan)’s camera and it works well.

      That’s one point I will agree — having a mini GPS ready to go is REALLY handy. Sometimes I wish I had that feature because I too, have a directional IQ of 70 (or lower..) and I have to now draw out elaborate maps and type down exact directions from subway stations to get to where I want to go.

      • tomatoketchup

        I think with my wireless carrier a data plan is required with an iPhone. I haven’t had a land line in over 10 years, so voice is needed as well since it’s my only phone.

        • save. spend. splurge.

          Really!? A data plan is required? I have an iPhone right now with Virgin Mobile and we only took the talk/text option. NO DATA PLAN. We even asked them to cut it off completely because we noticed Apple siphoning data and using the data plan and no matter how small the bits of data (in the KBs), Virgin was charging us for it.

  • MelD

    I keep noticing that most people don’t have control over their phones and this amazes me.
    Yes, I use an iphone – for many, many things – and yet, it’s a tool and I use it as such and dictate what it does for me, not the other way round! It’s supposed to be a convenience, not an inconvenience :O And I don’t need it in my reach 24/7.
    Mostly, unless I am actually expecting an urgent call (what, twice a year?!), the sound is off. I can see who tried to contact me on the calls list when I am ready and call them back if it seems necessary and when it suits me. Dito texts – I look at them when it suits me, not because I was called to attention by a ping. I do not use the FB app and I don’t tweet. My phone is not set to receive email; I read those on my laptop according to my own schedule. It seems that most folk cannot deal with this, I’ve joined many a conversation on the topic. I also saw this: so maybe being multilingual helps me not be so addicted as others?!!
    My phone is, among other things, my alarm, timer, camera, calender/agenda, photo album, music and audiobook gadget, e-reader, knitting aid and reference book of patterns, calculator, notebook, atlas, museum guide, videophone – and not least, a phone if and when necessary (rarely!). I will also use it to find out stuff if I happen to be in a wifi zone and need it or to pass time, although not out of boredom as I usually prefer being amused by watching other people or just looking around me… I don’t game at all. So it is a valuable tool to me and saves me a lot of other gadgets, but would you let the hammer hit you?!!
    ‘NO’ to phone domination, it sickens me. In that case, I’d rather people didn’t have them, we managed just fine before they were invented – but now there is a whole generation who can’t even imagine that…

    • save. spend. splurge.

      I never expect urgent calls. Even though we have a cellphone I’m fairly sure BF turns it off and only checks it twice a day. Once in the morning for messages and once at night.

      It’s more of an answering machine than a cellphone.

      I only pick up if I am expecting the call which is usually only for things that involve business like contracts.

      My iPod touch has ended up being my go-to device (no phone plan there). It’s my alarm and timer although I find the alarm has been wonky as of late, and my agenda and little mini video device.

      I don’t use any kind of phone / data plan function, so it works out perfectly for me.

      As for giving my kids phones, I was asked if I would buy them a cellphone and the answer is NO. I didn’t have one until I was 20 and even then I didn’t need it until I was maybe ..25, if ever. Who needs phones these days? Kids are supposed to be in school then come straight home afterwards. We functioned just fine without phones in my day.

  • NZ Muse

    I read this post the other day and was intrigued as we do similar jobs as far as I can tell:

    It’s true, I don’t NEED a smartphone for work but it’s fairly close, so much so that I get a company smartphone. That said, for most things I prefer a good old laptop – tablets and smartphones have their limitations and my ancient tablet crashes all the time.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      I just read the article and I agree. I don’t need my phone. I only need a line where I can use a phone (any phone) to call. It can even be a landline and I’ll use my calling card (which I have memorized).

      BF is even more extreme. Back in the day, he used to just walk to the payphone and use it to call whomever he needed. Didn’t even have a landline in his house. Now that payphones are disappearing he was forced to get a cellphone, which we now use as a pseudo answering machine. We don’t pick it up and we only call people back if it’s worth it.

      Laptops are where it’s at. I couldn’t do without one. I can’t switch to a tablet or a smartphone because it annoys me how slow I type without buttons and only 2 fingers jabbing at a smooth screen.

  • SarahN

    Oh yeah people are SCREWED when they have idle time – smart phones out! I wait for a train without getting mine out sometimes, wow that makes me weird. I did hold off getting a smart phone for a while, but did get one when I moved out alone (a disused hand me down of a friend for free). Anyhow, that was mainly cause I didn’t want to set up and pay for an internet connection, so I bundled on my phone, and did anything ‘big’ on the work computers. I liked that it kept me from being sucked into the FB checking vortex (less easy on the phone, didn’t load quickly etc etc). Anyhow… in a way, similar but different.

    My bf can’t spend a minute staring in space – phone straight out. Sorta annoying actually

    • save. spend. splurge.

      SEE! That’s really annoying. Any minute of idle time HAS to be supplemented with a check on Twitter or Facebook. My goodness…

      I’d rather do that but with a book. Idle free time? WHIP OUT A BOOK. This is what I do with my Kobo Glo 🙂 Much easier to read now that I can carry a library around in one device. It’s also kind of hot when I see people reading books instead of texting.

  • Naomi

    I’m totally guilty or have been on the other end of each of the situations you addressed. I crossed over into the smartphone world for about 6 years or so and each year it gets more impossible to think of how not to live without the thing! I’m curious about how you navigate while traveling though… does your car have navigation or do you use separate GPS system? I literally though about downgrading phones once and then thought “Omg, how would I ever get directions if I’m in a new area?”

    • save. spend. splurge.

      I own a separate GPS, a Garmin. I snap it onto my windshield and use it. Otherwise if I am walking around and using a subway system, I bring a map (*GASP* A MAP!! 🙂 🙂 ) or I write very detailed instructions or draw a mini map to help me get around.

      It has forced me to learn how to navigate and learn the streets because without something as a crutch to fall back on to Google, I know my way around.

      This is kind of like how we used to memorize phone numbers as a kid. Now I can’t even remember anyone’s number except my own and even that is becoming difficult.

  • Zee @ Work To Not Work

    I have a cell phone, not a smart phone. I don’t use it much, but I use it for a phone, not a texting machine… I get annoyed when I go out with people and every 5 minutes they are checking something on their phone. I feel like I’m not as important because I’m worth interrupting every 5 minutes because someone on facebook liked your picture or someone posted something on instagram.

    I also hate how when someone sends you a text message they expect you to answer them right away. They expect you to have your “leash” on for them to contact you at all times. But I don’t let my phone interrupt the people that I am actually physically with so that annoys some people.

    Also if my phone runs out of batteries because I haven’t charged it in over a week I find it freeing. I think it’s strange that people freak out over running out of batteries. It’s not like you can’t charge it when you get home. And why must people charge their phones in the same room that they are in? My charger is in my bedroom, if I am charging it I will probably not be there and miss some calls. Is that the worst thing in the world? to not be within 5 feet of this device…

    • save. spend. splurge.

      What a great metaphor — the phone is used as a technological leash.

      I wish I could remember where I read this, but even a VP of a big company (like GE big) said that he refused to get a cellphone. When people asked in horror how they could reach him, he said: At my office during office hours.

      When he’s off work he is OFF WORK. He is not checking his phone, his email or doing anything but being off work. He said it felt like an open invitation for people to bother him after work with crap. It also made people more autonomous because they couldn’t reach him easily and they would just figure out how to solve the problem on their own.

      If something was really an emergency he’d hear about it on his personal home landline, but otherwise, he didn’t see the point in his entire career, to own a cellphone for business let alone a smartphone.

  • Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way

    I really love my Smartphone because it’s very useful to me, especially in checking emails. Even me, I prefer texting rather than calling and I use my Smartphone for researching and for social media users.

    • save. spend. splurge.

      I prefer emailing rather than calling, too… but I hate that a phone makes people think you’re available all the time.

      I do all my social media stuff on a laptop. It’s nice for me just to go out and not think about anything except being outside. Even if there are emergencies like my blog blowing up, I deal with it when I get home.

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