In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where this Grandpa on technology is too cute
This Grandpa Emoji Cheat Sheet for playing poker online with other older women is too dang cute.
THE BEST linen striped summer dress, hands down. I am not loving this rope belt however because it just looks so Castaway and cheap.
Parenting in Guatemala is another great post about how parents do it abroad, and I found it very humbling that people would find getting your child wet for fun (by jumping in puddles) would be such an incredible privilege because they don’t have extra clothes or a dryer for their children. Or that everything is sold individually, not by boxes, even paperclips!
I bought this Laundress Wash Stain bar to use on my clothes and it has worked wonderfully.
All about what an “Influencer” is. The thing I don’t love about fashion bloggers and ‘influencers’, is that they are all so cookie-cutter. Tall, thin, normally blonde, and not at all for me, representative of the mainstream out there with general style and flair. I want to see colour, I want to see something other than what I see in all the other 8000 “influencers” on Instagram posting their neutral outfits with neutral looks….
I don’t know why, but leather dresses are a thing with me, and if you want to experiment with the style but not spend $$$$ on real leather, this Zara vegan leather version is very stylish for a date night.
It is still a man’s world at the top and this is why women are still not CEOs. I see that wherever I work. Women make it to No. 2 but never make it to the actual top. This is both encouraging that we get that far, but also discouraging that we are still seen as different. If you’re competent and dynamic with solid results, what’s the big deal? To be a woman boss, you need to just start your own company. Like me.
Last vegan leather piece — this biker moto jacket in vegan leather in Zara fooled me completely. For its range of colours and price tag, it is fantastic.
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