In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: If you’re so rich, why are you still working 70 hours a week?
This article completely resonated with me and the whole reason why I stopped working for a company as a consultant. To make it to Partner, or head level, you need to work long hours starting from a junior, flying in and out of cities all the time, at the cost of your lifestyle, your family and sanity.
I realized early on after I put in my dues that I’d rather work less for less money than more for more money. Luckily, the tables flipped and I work less for more money, the best of any situation.
The DRAMA of this beautiful top from MM Lafleur that could be a cape as well if you let it down, has my name all over it. I think when I go back to NYC next year, I’ll be out a lot of cash.
I know deep down this Barbie Dream Gap Project to show and get little girls under the age of 5 and beyond to see that they too can be in STEM, be pilots, and so on, is probably a massive marketing ploy to sell Barbies to enlightened parents (Okay, it totally is), but I am sucked in by their marketing anyway and love the idea, even if it is capitalistic.
“Starting at age 5, many girls begin to develop limiting self-beliefs.”
I have MM Lafleur fever right now because this Gosia wrap dress is calling my name. I love the curved hem, the long belt, everything about it.
15 Financial Windfalls and how people spent them… Money changed everything for them. I like these kinds of posts because it gives you insight into what other people value.
Does anyone remember a blog from way back called My Milk Toof? It was SO CUTE and I loved it when she posted new images daily. Sadly, Inhae has stopped blogging, and all that is left are these lovely books she sells on Amazon which I am sure she makes a living from.
If I have layovers, I do wait longer in the airport, but just getting there early (I have a fear of being late), I can be there for at least an hour or more. Airport retail is capitalizing on that. I have noticed bigger airports have looked a lot more open and chic than in past years.
The office waffles from being an inferno to being chilly, and having this MM Lafleur Angelou wrap on call has been a godsend for me. I have it in two colours – ivory and charcoal. It even comes in NAVY! If that is too ‘lady’ for you, try this super chic Leigh cardigan from them.
OMG! My problem with airport shops is that they are all high end places I’d never go. Throw in an airport Target, and I’ll happily hang out there for hours!