In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week:
- LOL! Although the PF blogger in me says it’s possible with a budget & realistic expectations of staying in very cheap places & eating very cheap food along with sacrificing your daily habits (if any) to save up the money.
- How French perceive American beauty. I’d agree with her statements but only if I clarify that she is describing crazy, hardcore, competitive Manhattanites who live in New York, not Americans per se.
- Australians have their drunken ancestors to thank for their unique speech & accent, apparently as it sounds like they’re always sloshed with the way they pronounce their words.
- There is nothing cuter and more uplifting than watching some baby red pandas frolic.
- I loved this post from Allie because I’m a firm believer in the true look never ever costing less.
- I am all about the JOMO (Joy of missing out).. along those lines, Babies vs. Cats. All true.
- Speaking of travel, I LOVED this marketing video to visit Switzerland [Video below]
Cool, isn’t it? If I’d seen it when I was passing through the main station, I would so have been on that train… love it up there in the Bündner mountains 😉 Feel lucky to spend a week or two up there each winter… (Yes, we do live the life lol!!) Actually, Switzerland is a lot more diverse. Just saying!