Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Mochi and Macarons


It’s just a damn good song. (And even if the beginning video still looks very suggestive)


I heard this on a BMW commercial and I am in love with the beat..


I am kind of obsessed with this song’s melody and beats. I heard it on ‘The Mindy Project’ (which I think I like so far).

I can’t believe she is 37. She looks 22!!! Like Gwen Stefani who is also beautiful.

The other song I like of hers is GALANG. The rest of her music is a miss for me, however.

NORAH JONES — Happy Pills

This is very different from what she’s used to producing — soft, soothing melodies. I really like the melody of this one.

New TV shows I am liking:

  • The Mindy Project — Mindy Kaling is quite funny
  • Elementary — Love me a mystery show, especially a Sherlock Holmes version
I also watched Guys with Kids and found it stupid. That kind of comedy is not my thing, it needs to be on the level of Frasier or Seinfeld where it’s witty rather than in-your-face. Or maybe it was just badly written.

I found this super cool illuminated globe chandelier? It’s a piece of art by Benoit Vieubled entitled: “Monde à l’endroit, Monde à l’envers”, which translates to “World inside out” in English.


monde-a-lenvers-benoit-vieubled-world-inside-out-hanging-globes-chandelier-illuminated-2 monde-a-lenvers-benoit-vieubled-world-inside-out-hanging-globes-chandelier-illuminated

Sometimes I watch home and garden shows and I dream about all the things I’d do if I owned a house.

….then I snap back to reality because I am a commitment-phobe for buying any kind of home or furnishings where I’d be TIED down to any city, and I keep in mind that I’d prefer the more nomadic lifestyle I chose.



  • Sheryl

    Have you watcher Sherlock on BBC with Benedict Cumberbatch? It’s my favorite right now.

  • PK

    Haha, Wealth of Nations with a bunch of Fiction books? That’s classic and not-so-subtle!

    I’m a big fan of bookcase staircases. If (ahem, when) I finish my attic I bet I put one in.

  • Revanche

    I love the globes and the staircase and the cupboardy bed thing, maybe the bed best just because it makes me think: oooh, secret hiding place! But I don’t think I’d have the skill/patience to make it and I don’t think I’d be willing to pay the amount of money I imagine would cost to buy …. it would have to be a project to do with a friend (very talented friend at that!) 🙂

    • Mochi & Macarons

      The globe chandelier is my favourite. Especially since I love to travel!

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