Save. Spend. Splurge.

Food is much more important than an iPad

We had a conversation the other day that underscored the reason why I think food is much more important than anything else.

Essentially, food is health.

If you eat good food, you feel better. Just try and eat McDonald’s for a week straight, 3X a day, then switch to eating real, unprocessed, home cooked food for a week and tell me how you feel in terms of fatigue, energy, dizziness, and general wellbeing.


I guarantee you will find the homecooked route a lot harder and perhaps blander than eating at McDonald’s, but you won’t be able to deny that you FEEL better not eating junk food.

(Actually, everyone already knows this. They just don’t want to change.)

Back to my point — If given the choice between the two, I’d rather spend more money on good food than to buy a 60″ TV set (if I loved TV), or an iPad.

Other people make different decisions with their money than I do, of course, and may not even care that they die at 70, having spent their last years in sickness.

I make the decision to eat good food early on, and spend more money on it than on the “luxuries” of life because my goal is to live a very long, healthy life…(not that i really have to choose between the two, if I am to be blunt with you).


What’s the point of living if you feel like crap all day long, can’t walk without pain, popping 4 pills every 3 hours to control your cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and chronic headaches/fatigue?

You’re just a breathing, vegetative organism at that point, not a human being.

(Have you seen those Canadian commercials? “The average Canadian spends his or her last 10 years of in sickness.” Chillingly eerie stuff.)

I am lucky to have such options because I have more money than the average person my age (and combined, we have more money than most people in our position), but that doesn’t mean that if push comes to shove, I’m going to choose a MacBook Air over good, healthy food.

You can make any choice you want. I don’t even care if you, like my father tells me:

You know what?

Thanks for all the preaching but it’s getting tired because I am NOT going to give up my McDonald’s / Timmys run just because I want to live and have to save for another 30 years of “healthy” retirement.

I’d rather just die when I die.

We all have to die sometime right?”

Do what you want and come to peace with it.. but just don’t come crying at anyone’s door when you realize that it’s no picnic being confined to a wheelchair, or having to jab your stomach with insulin each time you eat, while swallowing your cocktail of medications to control your symptoms while ignoring the root cause of it all.

… or maybe when you, like my father, realize that you might not even live long enough to see all of your grandchildren grow up to be adults, because of all the awful eating habits and decisions you have made in your life and are unwilling to change because gambling was so much more important than good food for you and your family.


  • Tania

    Agreed! My dad grew up without a lot of money himself and is personal finance savvy but he also taught us that we should not feel guilty about spending on certain things like quality or healthy food. Food can also be very cultural and bring a family together, one of the joys in life and how we identify with one another. I do think we can go overboard on healthy living spending based on marketing or trends. There are some seniors that I know that have never set foot in a gym or a Whole Foods by walking daily and eating lots of veggies.

  • Aaron

    Excellent point here that I think many more personal finance bloggers should make a note of. Spending money on good food / eating right is an investment in yourself and can reap long-term benefits – just like saving / investing. Best to you!

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