Do you remember a time in your life when you dressed quite differently from how you do now?
In high school I was a sexless jellyfish.
I thought only stupid people focused on style, clothing, presentation and trying to be popular, and since I was the anti-thesis of popular, I tried to be the opposite of what I thought was popular.
So preppy, girly, feminine, etc.
I eschewed dresses and skirts for years until one day I realized how much I actually liked skirts, and that it was not a detraction upon my intelligence to dress so I felt pretty and beautiful.
I sort of went off the cliff with being overly feminine (think sheer tops, leopard prints, really tight skirts), and then slowly righted my path back to where I am today, which is the perfect representation of who I am as a person:
Confident and secure in who I am and in myself as an intelligent, style-obsessed woman.
The entire series can be found here: Women in Clothes Style & Fashion Survey
Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life
I love a few kinds of styles but they don’t all go with each other: feminine, clean and strong lines, minimal colors, bold jewel tones. My real style is the same, though it’s mildly evolved over the years: a muddle of comfort and an attempt at any of those categories I love. Eventually, one day, I will look put together AND be comfortable. I will!
In middle school, I wore oversized t shirts and wanted shorts that were mostly hidden. I think this was fashionable to some extent, this was late 90s… But then one day the shift happened, and I swore off cotton t shirts (oversized, normal or tight!)
Early in my career (male dominated, trade based), I settled for the uniform, when it was diverse and blues as well as hi vis. When it became only an orange shirt, thankfully I’d moved managerial, and I took this time to start dressing ‘corporate’, but with boots or flats. In the past two years, I’ve got even more confident – it’s lower heels, and pointed toes, and shoes I like and look good and are feminine whilst practical to the fact I manage a fleet of vehicles and could need to go to site. I now wear more jewelry, almost always stud earrings. Never bangles (too hard with computers/typing all day… alas I still own bangles!)