Would these money microaggressions bother you?
Would these money microagressions bother you? Money microaggressions as Michelle points out, are things like: You go into a shop ( and have money) but the shopkeepers assume
How much will working cost me in Toronto versus Montreal?
As you all may have read, I gave up a $250,000 contract in another cityĀ to stay local and at home every night with Baby Bun. I was pretty bummed about the whole situation, but I d
Initial Observations of being a New Parent and Mother
DISCLAIMER:Ā This will be a LONGĀ post. A SUPER LONG, EPIC post about baby poo, sleep and all the things I had to learn on myĀ own. It is interesting to no one but expecting or fir
How to shop your closet and save money
Everyone (and by everyone I mean myself), always harps on about shopping your closet and trying to mix and match pieces in an attempt to avoid shopping for new stuff and to use wha
Are you really as rich as you think you are?
Odd choice for a title because in this personal finance blogosphere, we’re all saying that you are NOT as rich as you think but ever since my trip to Singapore I have been th
Where would you live if money was no object?
My post on living in an ideal city got me thinking — if money was no object, where would I live? The answer is obvious to me. I’d live in California. Where exactly in C
What is the one luxury you can’t give up in your budget?
For me it’s a hot drink likeĀ a tea or a drink at Starbucks — white hot chocolates, chai lattes, or green tea lattes. I only gave up those drinks temporarily for Baby B
What would be your ideal city to live in?
eemusings talked about the tradeoffs she and T are making to live in New Zealand, and mentioned that Toronto was a possible contender, if not for our winters. I love these kinds of
Why are we so cheap for our health?
My mother has not been to the eye doctor in years and just recently mentioned that she’s been seeing “floating things” and it’s been getting worse. Alarmed,
At what point are you wealthy?
Nelson from FU says point blank that Wealth = Money, and he hates it when people twist the definition to include having a great life, friends and so on. I agree and partly disagree