Are girls more expensive than boys to raise?
Ever since I announced I am pregnant, a few fathers and grandfathers have joked that I better hope for the sake of my finances that I have a boy because girls are WAY more expensiv
Apartment hunting is pretty sexist
Every time I have gone to look for an apartment, where I’ve only put my name on the lease, I am always asked: “But why isn’t your husband / boyfriend on the leas
Being frugal or cheap doesn’t mean you’re morally superior
And if you think it makes you so, then you’re seriously deluded. Being frugal is a good thing in the PF community, I even aspire in some areas of my life to reach this (e.g.
Why I am teaching my kids about money by not giving them any to begin with
I obviously see the huge benefits in teaching your children about money early on, no matter how young they are, but for me, being a parent means being a role model for them in the
Is a mortgage a form of savings?
An excellent discussion emerged from my post about whether or not debt should be part of your budget, and that is: Is your mortgage a form of savings? I am firmly, strongly in the
Should there only be one breadwinner in the family?
An interesting post states that from a rational, economic standpoint, there should only be ONE breadwinner in a family, not two: While many will argue that the theory of Comparativ
Is $200 now my minimum price point for any given piece of clothing?
Everything costs way more money now, for what I consider to be pretty basic items. It’s not just me either. This article sums it up — a plain white T for $7 or $70? “
How much should I charge as a freelancer?
To figure out how much you’d charge per hour, ask yourself: How much would you normally get at a job as a base salary? Take that amount, double it, and divide by 2000, and th
How much it costs to book Madonna or any of your favourite bands / artists
Ever wonder how much it costs to book your favourite artist or band? There is a seriously long, comprehensive list that tells you exactly how much it costs. Some of the amou
What would you pay to change about yourself?
Eemusings’ post on what would you pay to change about yourself was not only original but .. kind of fun to think about! Aside from some personality traits (I have a few bad