What your blog is missing to go from good to great
Before you all harp on me, this is not a post because I think I’m writing a great blog and I have nowhere to improve.
(Heck, did you visit during July and August? It was a hot mess.)
I’m writing this post because I see way too many blogs out there that are missing just a few little things that would make life so much easier for us readers.
I am was guilty of this. I’m “saverspender” but also blogging at Save. Spend. Splurge., which has a sister page called The Budgeting Tool where I sell my budgeting and expense tracking sheet.
Is it no wonder no one knows I even have a blog!?
My new change has been to rebrand from saverspender to saverspender.
All of you old-timers can continue to call me saverspender if you want, but this makes it so much easier for me to have a consistent name throughout.
My point is this: Pick one name, pick a an avatar that you use throughout, and consistently use that information to present who you are.
Ways to inject personality are to not take your default WordPress theme and leave it.
Here are some easy ways to do this:
- Put in a custom header so that your page is distinctive.
- Pick a set of colours as your theme.
- Choose an avatar to represent “you” (apparently faces do better even fake ones, and I am not one to talk on this matter because I’m a pair of red heels.)
Believe it or not, I try my best to keep my blog pages as neat and as clean as possible.
I don’t like too many ads all over the place (I especially hate ads in the middle of when I am reading an article), and  I try my best to keep it as discreet and not-as-annoying as possible.
It’s nice to try and give a lot of information to people who are reading your blog, but too much information without an editing eye can be overwhelming for many folks.
If I can’t get in touch with you or learn more about you, I lose interest because I am fickle like that.
Enough said.
The holy trinity consists of the following:
- Create / “Burn” an RSS Feed for your blog posts (My Feed of Save. Spend. Splurge.)
- Twitter — (My Twitter Handle: @saverspender)
- Facebook — (My Facebook Page)
..and if you have no clue what an RSS Feed, now is the time to learn.
Again, not really one to speak, because I don’t have a specific theme that is very clear, other than the generic title of “life and money”.
I know that’s not a “theme” like: finances for the modern woman!, but I have no idea what to call my hodge-podge ramblings other than “how not to do the same stupid things the way I do them and learn from my mistakes“, with a huge dose of spending thrown in.
That said, I do have a clear idea of what my blog is about — educating everyone (not just women) on how to take control of their finances, but I also add other things like my personal life in there, talking about minimalism, shopping and so on.
Essentially, I am writing for myself, and thinking: If I were a reader, would I want to read this post?
This is a great post and I definitely don’t think anyone who offers tips thinks they’re perfect. Part of writing is sharing reminders to ourselves too! I do agree that a consistent name and branding is important. In fact, when a new social media app/site pops up that could be appropriate to my brand, I usually grab my handle before someone else does. Even if I end up not gravitating to that platform, at least no one is using my handle. If a blog is related to travel, food, art (including photography), home or style, I would also recommend Pinterest and Instagram. For Pinterest, one should read all the blog posts out there about the concerns of the terms and also read the terms of use to ensure they know how to properly use Pinterest without violating any copyright rules. I prefer to keep m website clean too. I used to clutter it up with all types of plugins to share certain feeds, etc. I also used to put a number of badges up in my sidebar. At a certain point I decided if I didn’t have ads, I should just enjoy the beautiful white space and removed all of it instead of trying to fill it up. Plugin feeds from IG, FB or twitter are fun but they can slow down the site too.
Your blog has been one of my favorites for years now. I’m particularly jealous of how many future posts you have scheduled. I struggle with topics since I’m not anonymous and coworkers know where to find mine.
Jane Savers @ Solving The Money Puzzle
The writing is so much easier than the techie stuff. Not that my writing is good but it is easier to hammer out a bunch of words than it is to try and make the blog look good.
Another blogger suggests that each post should be a minimum of 1,000 words and I tried that for a while but things were just becoming wordy and the content wasn’t improved.
I have no idea what RSS is.
I’ve still to change my social handles from @eemusings. Can’t quite let that go yet.
Lisa E. @ Lisa Vs. The Loans
I’m okay with advertisements on the side or in between posts. It’s the ads that interrupt a post or pop up out of nowhere that irritate me.
save. spend. splurge.
It’s actually concrete in Paris, and it isn’t my feet 🙂 It’s just a shot of a girl’s shoes I took.
I’ll lose the laminate and perhaps that might look better. Thanks for the advice!