The Cosby Show: All about College, Budgeting and Life
Bill Cosby, always the voice of steady reason and reality, something it seems, is sorely lacking in our society these days.
I miss watching this show!
Hat tip to Rockstar Finance for this, J$ (that crazy foo) even typed out almost the entire transcript!!
Judy @ Journey to Financial Wellness
I loved the Cosby show too! I did feel a bit bad for Theo. Dad could have hugged him or something before he let it rip.
$400 for an apartment in Manhattan? Those were the days!
to be fair, I was drinking some beer when I typed it out which of course always sounds like a good idea at the time 😉 my wife started to get concerned after she heard me playing this over and over and over again a good 15 times until I got it all down, haha… It’s def. a good one though! Glad you enjoyed it too 🙂
this hit the spot! bookmarked forever, sure it will come in handy for some folks I know.
I luv the Cosby show. We need more parents like Cliff and Claire.
haha, i miss the cosby show and their life lessons 🙂