Save. Spend. Splurge.

Week of Money: Where we try to enjoy the summer as much as I can


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

8:08 a.m. — In between calls, I am on Instagram, letting my brain rest with inane scrolling, and I see this.

How clever! To look at a large number and to split it out into an easier thing to multiply. Instead of 24, look at it as 12 x 2 and use a bit of BEDMAS. I show it to Little Bun.

12:22 p.m. — Lunch time.

1:07 p.m. — I see this, post it…

…and someone comments: It’s white people thinking they invented the bento box. LOL

2:51 p.m. — Up from his nap, he bounces out of the bedroom and starts on his math. He still has issues FOCUSING. His mind wanders, he brain wanders, he runs off and plays. I know he is young, but he should be able to sit down for a short period of time to focus and get it done.

HE CAN CLEARLY DO IT because he watches YouTube videos and plays games all the time and is LASER focused for hours, if we would let him do it for hours. He has the ability, he just doesn’t know how to harness it into something he doesn’t consider to be “play”.

5:12 p.m. — Dinner, dishes and laundry. Little Bun is wiping down cutlery. I am just washing EVERYTHING. I have forgotten to do it the day before so I am doing it now.

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $0


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

8:08 a.m. — I run out to a store downtown to pick up a gift for a friend. it is pretty interesting how they create custom construction covers that go with the construction they are doing.

These ones for instance, are for the museum of fine arts.

4:40 p.m. — I log off for the day. I am just trying to get personal stuff done. I have a lot of things to do.

5:12 p.m. — Oh? What’s this? I am going through my mail and I see a speeding ticket. I then recall we went out as a family and ended up getting this ticket because it was a 100 km/hour zone and we set the speed control to 120 km/hour. I didn’t think they ticketed people under 120 km as a general rule (at least, cops don’t pull people over for this speed), but since it was a robo cam, 100 means 100. Not 120. I pay the ticket online. $104

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $104


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

12:22 p.m. — Little Bun introduces my new Airpods case (bunny ears) to the Stuffies. It is such a silly, but happy purchase. I find the bunny ears incredibly uplifting, which sounds trite, but it is true. They make me smile.

1:01 p.m. — While he is down for his quiet time (HE DOES NAP because he wakes me at SIX A.M.!!!), I am on calls. All afternoon. The work is building up, pressure is immense.

6:40 p.m. — I log off for the day after I just save where I am in the Powerpoint presentation and make a note of what has to be done tomorrow.

7:12 p.m. — We spend the night reading through the lives of each child around the world. This book is excellent – A child through time

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $0


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

10:08 a.m. — I take Little Bun out for the morning to hang out, and he spots this bug on a milkweed. Apparently it is NOT a ladybug but something else that is similar:

We head around, walking, talking, looking at things. No real purpose, just meandering

1:15 p.m. — Back home, lunch. He still naps during the day, occasionally. He doesn’t always sleep but he sleeps maybe 3-4 times out of the 7 days of the week.

1:17 p.m. — I am working and trying to get stuff done. A lot of things are conspiring against me, from people on vacation to things just not working. That is part of the frustration of the job – being expected to do things, on time, when people are not around to give answers, and things are simply not working for whatever reason. And yet the deadline never moves.

5:12 p.m. — I log off for the day.

6:25 p.m. — We are doing dishes, and Little Bun waves me over to please take a picture of his rainbow!

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $0


7:30 a.m. — I log in and start working.

8:08 a.m. — I order a floor chair to sit in, that is easy to carry outside to the balcony as well. In the interim before I decide what couch I want, this will do for now. Plus it’s handy for the balcony. $125.71

12:22 p.m. — Lunch time.

12:55 p.m. — Little Bun shows me his pages, which makes me smile. They really are sponges.

2:51 p.m. — Up from his nap, he bounces out of the bedroom and I am doing dishes while on a LONG conference call.

3:40 p.m. — I posted something about how people should definitely take skin cancer seriously. You can’t just will it away from eating good food. It is also how you treat your body, and each suntan you get, is your skin burning in response to being damaged. EVERY TAN. EVERY SINGLE TAN is a damaged skin layer.

5:12 p.m. — I log off for the day.

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $125.71


6:15 a.m. — So this happened:

7:50 a.m. — I am going through my things, trying to clean up my spot, but really I need a bigger desk if I have two computers going at the same time. You just at some point, need space, for two computers. You can’t type on a keyboard at the edge of a desk, where would you rest your wrists?

8:25 a.m. — We head out for the morning and stuck in traffic, we see this.  Translation: We are spending the inheritance of our daughter

1:51 p.m. — Back home, we hustle him off to the bedroom for a nap. He sort of napped in the car and so on, on and off, but still, sometimes we find he needs a proper nap in a bed before he is fully rested.

5:12 p.m. — Dinner, dishes and laundry. Little Bun is wiping down cutlery, and I am trying to get stains off the bottom of a pot. I end up using vinegar, boiling it, and it comes out shiny and clean. No need to scrub like crazy.

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed.

Spent: $0


7:50 a.m. — I like taking Little Bun out for the morning to do walks, go to the park, play in the cool weather in the morning before the sun hits, and in the shade. We have been having hotter and hotter summers in Montreal, and it is all due to climate change.

8:08 a.m. — This is his treasure box of things he has found in parks. I keep them all for him here.

2:51 p.m. — I do a final rinse on my hair with activated charcoal to get rid of that perfume from days ago. DAYS. This is the best, along with baking soda to absorb smells. I just hope my hair isn’t ruined. I comb through the activated charcoal I broke open from pills into my hair, and then do a final wash.

5:12 p.m. — So.. everyone is sick of the pandemic. But no one has given the virus notice that they’ve been cancelled, so it still spreads whether you think it is there or not. Just because people don’t talk about it, doesn’t mean it’s spreading. So many people I know who have been extra careful, have been getting it left and right. I am rather nervous, but as long as I keep my mask on around other people, and stay far outside on the patio from others while hanging out, we should be cautiously safe. I am worried about the long-term effects of getting it, not so much that I will die. Or that I will get long covid, which for me, would be the worst.

I posted about this and these are the general responses I have gotten, such as: “You should not fear it, and it should help build up your immune system if you get it, not to avoid it”…… I can agree with flus, and colds, but not BLOODY COVID.

So others who have gotten it recently, messaged me the following (they all said I could post):

8:54 p.m. — Bedtime routine, and then we go to bed. Little Bun has been getting ALL The Wordles. The only one we missed lately was COYLY.

Spent: $0


Want more? Read all of my previous Week of Money Diaries.

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