Things I managed to get done in 3 weeks
Just a short update.
I basically managed to get the following finalized in 3 weeks:
Moved to a new apartment
- Moved from one apartment to another with a baby
- Set up entire apartment (including putting everything away and ironing all my clothes)
- Got apartment insurance
- Cleaned entire apartment from top to bottom
- Bit the bullet and bought a table. This apartment was unfurnished *sigh*
Bought a new car in cash for $9000 after taxes & fees
- “New” meaning new to me, because it’s used because .. well it’s a 2009 vehicle and in very good condition
- I contemplated spending $50,000 on a brand new car until my partner talked me out of it
- Got car insurance at $350/year
- Got CAA just in case
- Got a license plate
- Partner is going to clean car, set it up with new mats, change the brake pads and organize my car life
Found this and said: I AGREE!
Finalized contract
- Finally got everything squared away, just one little SNAFU happening I have to iron out
- Will be working until 2016 if all goes well. I SURE HOPE SO
- Met the team already and love them
- Can’t wait to start working
- Charged GPS and am ready to go
- …will also be speaking French a lot
Working on the last few trays of my Invisalign braces
- Am almost done. Am on Tray #7, and I have 3 more trays to go.
- Have to make an appointment with the dentist to remove attachments, clean teeth and install a permanent wire
Transitioned Baby Bun (in the process of)
- Daddy will be taking care of Baby Bun full-time now
- Baby Bun is not adjusting well to Mommy not being around for 4-5 hours at a time (I’m trying to go easy)
- Started Baby Bun on purees and he is not loving it — I hope this changes
- Baby Bun is also not sleeping through the night any more; wakes up crying for milk every 3 hours
- Am going to stop pumping breast milk completely, it is exhausting and I am tired
That’s it so far.
I’m sure I missed something but….
I really feel like I need to go for a back massage.
In lieu of that, I really enjoyed this video:
Thanks Gia!
What $50k car were you contemplating???
Whoa, you go girl! That’s a crazy amount of work to get done in 3 weeks. Good luck on the new contract! Baby Bun will get used to it, eventually 🙂 Also, $350 a year for car insurance?! Did I read that wrong? That is AWESOME!
Thats amazing – i feel like this looks overwhelming to start off but great job tackling all of them in less than a month!
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
I love that quote! And I think you really need a good massage, I just had a massage last weekend and it was really awesome!
Sounds crazyyyyy but exciting! I can’t imagine moving with a baby haha I would lose it. Like everyone else, I love that quote 🙂
Jennifer Roberts
That quote is perfect! I’ve been working on a more minimalist wardrobe, and slowly trading out crappy quality for higher end stuff (and your insight on shoes, clothes, etc. has been very helpful in that regard).
NZ Muse
– Congrats on all the things!
– Holy shit, wish $9k would get a 2009 car here. (I suppose possibly it might if it was a very very small car, but a very very small car is not an option for us)
– How long ago did you get braces? I feel like I don’t remember that happening…
Where did you move to and from? Why? I am so out of the loop. You need a place to read all old posts.
Love that quote!
Go you!
When you say you’ve started purees, is this in combination with milk, as a pre-solids thing?
I *loved* that interview of Anna Wintour. I really like her. I pretty much watch any documentary and interview with her. Congrats on buying a used car. I’ve driven used which I don’t mind and actually, getting used or economic cars is a good way of getting ahead financially. And yes I also love that John M. quote!