At what point would you feel wealthy?
It’s a pretty simple question — at what point would you feel wealthy? Is it a net worth number? Is it a feeling? Is it because you can do something you’ve never d
Is designer clothing actually worth it?
While the majority of my wardrobe is not designer, I do own a few pieces by “designers” from well-known ones such as Burberry for their incredible trench coats to more
Update: Should only the rich be allowed to have children?
Starting to get some comments that are making me think that I am not being clear, so I wanted to post a quick update on my previous post: Should only the rich be allowed to have ch
Should only the rich be allowed to have children?
An interesting question for discussion came up the other day about children and who should have them. My title is a bit controversial but what it came down to, was the idea that if
What is the one luxury you can’t give up in your budget?
For me it’s a hot drink likeĀ a tea or a drink at Starbucks — white hot chocolates, chai lattes, or green tea lattes. I only gave up those drinks temporarily for Baby B
Pregnancy / Baby Question: What should I pack to go to the hospital?
(I do not know what happened but when I first published this post, the comments section disappeared completely from the page, so I had to re-publish it to restore the comments. Sor