What my father learned growing up about money
As requested by Jane Savers in response to my own post about what I learned growing up without ever talking about money, I’ll talk briefly about what my dad learned about gro
How to tell if someone has grown up rich and wasteful
As the title says, sometimes people reveal the littlest things to show you how they were raised and whether they grew up “rich” or not, and I see it the most in how peo
I was casually diagnosed at risk for suicide or ready to snap and kill someone
(I don’t know what made me think of writing about this today, but it popped in my head as I was reviewing my life, as I often do.) …but when I was a tween around 13 or
Making thousands from virtual millions
I was thinking the other day about opportunities and connecting the dots. Gained, lost, wasted — whether or not we can see them in every corner and facet of our lives is an i