How much do I secretly want to save each year out of my net income?
Most people say that saving 10% is good enough (of your net income). So if you make $2000 net a month, you should save at least $200/month. I like 10% as a general rule for all inc
5 Ways To Get Your Finances Under Control
Learning how to manage your money is a skill like anything else, so why not apply the following principles? Realize it’s not about talent, it’s just hard work How you s
How to save $20,000 in a year
YOU NEED TO MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO BE ABLE TO SAVE $20,000 IN A YEAR If your gross income is $20,000, you will not be saving $20,000 a year. If after taxes, you take home less than $
Greece: The Modern Personal Finance Fable of our Times
Someone correct me if I am wrong but I think I am missing something in this entire debacle. THE SITCH Greece borrowed billions of dollars because they needed the money to keep the
How I got out of $60,000 of debt in 18 months by the age of 25
I am still getting questions about how I got out of $60,000 debt at the age of 25 in only 18 months (a year and a half), so here it is. 1. I MADE A GOOD SALARY IMMEDIATELY Low inco
There will never be a right time for anything
When is it the right time to.. Clear your debt? Have a baby? Start saving for retirement? Take that dream trip? The answer is: There will never be a right time for anything. There
Reasons why business owners tend to be wealthier
It’s not really because they’re any smarter. It’s more because if they handle their finances correctly (a crucial subject), they can avoid a lot of headaches and
Retirement Strategies for 30-year olds
You can read the entire article here and I highly recommend it, however I’ve summarized their advice into these bullet points. A lot of their advice overlaps from one person
How much should you have saved for retirement by age 30 – 35?
Taking into account that you probably had anywhere from $16,000 – $60,000 (*raises hand*) in student loans, having ANYTHING saved for retirement by the age of 30 would be a m
How to guess what you are spending before budgeting or tracking your expenses
When you first start budgeting and you have NEVER tracked your expenses, it can be hard to know what you are really spending on things like gas, food, and eating out. Here are a fe