Don’t tell me you don’t have any money to save
Single people like my friend who make good incomes ($50,000 or more), and who have the nerve to tell me they don't have any money to save to be able to max out their retirement inc
When the unexpected happens. The scary side of freelancing.
The dark side to freelancing is that you cannot control everything no matter how much you make.
You can’t afford your lifestyle if you’re going into debt for it
Saving a bit at a time is a lot easier and less painful than trying to come up with 5-figures at the end of the year when it's time to refill your retirement coffers.
Money Help: How to budget for food and how we do it
I talk about money, and I have a pretty minimalist fridge, but what's funny is that we don't actually set a budget for food at all. We just eat what we want, and lately for me, tha
Stop talking about what you want to do, and just do it
Nothing aggravates me more than inaction. People who say they want to get out of debt, or change careers so they can make more money, but then never even try do anything about it,
Defending why I split everything as 50/50 in my relationship
Okay, maybe “defending” is too strong of a word, but explaining sounded a little too wishy-washy for a title. (So sue me, I like strong titles!) Obviously I think this
Working Mother shaming & why we need to just STFU
I just got judged by my neighbour the other day. I was kind of chuckling at the judgment but we’ll get to why later on. She basically said to a room full of mothers and fathe
Budgeting Help: How a family can plan and save for traveling
A great reader request came in to ask me how we plan and save for traveling as a family, particularly one in debt and trying to save, get out of debt and still enjoy life. DO NOT F
Try being a little pessimistic for a change
Most people are pretty optimistic, happy folks. Or at least, they try to be. When you make a lot of money, the world is all sunshine and rainbows, things never look or feel
The 5 Step Plan To Budgeting and Getting Out of Debt for Beginners
You don't have to live like this. Get out of debt today.