Curbing my temptation to shop: How I’m dampening my enthusiasm
Trying to cut back on shopping is hard. The key for me is to not be tempted.
Did anyone ever say anything to you that made you look at yourself differently?
Always my mother. I can remember a few distinct times my mother has ever said anything about my appearance: 1. When I was a little girl… I had paired her batwing blue sweater
In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Imagine if you just found out your future spouse had a trust fund
..and talking about how tutors to the super rich should learn how to disarm guns and knives from their charges.
Ask Sherry: Where do I find time to learn a new language?
I find pockets of empty time to do this all day long..
People already know when they’re eating what they are not doing
Want to be healthier? Want to get out of debt? Want to become stronger? Want to be smarter? You already know the answer of what to do, don't you?
Why don’t we give more respect to children?
We don't seem to really recognize children in our society.
Would you rather have money or time?
The struggle between time versus money...
Minimalist Sleeping: More Unanswered Questions on Japanese Sleeping Floor Beds / Futons
Sleeping on a floor with a toddler - minimalist co-sleeping works!
Do you remember the first time you were conscious of what you were wearing?
ABSOLUTELY. It was this red dress with polkadots....