In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Why you are a Spender versus a Saver
1. Both
Can you be.. a spender AND a saver? Like I am? This article talks about money scripts we may have grown up with.
3. Mummified
These tweets from mothers are AMAZING… and so funny.
5. Screwed
Women are being disproportionately affected by this pandemic. They are just getting screwed. I mean, then you have this ONE GUY admitting publicly he is stepping down to support his wife’s career and it goes viral. Women have been doing this for as long as human memory, and none of it is newsworthy unless they stop or refuse to do it.
6. J Lo
If you ever wanted to buy that famous J. Lo Versace dress and are a IT36, you should absolutely check it out.
7. Rags into Riches
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Literally. I am LOVING this Italian town Prato upcycling and recycling these old used clothing into wool for thread.
8. Cold Shoulder
You know that Reiss Lorna top I have been waxing on about for ages and love? Well I found a budget friendly alternative here.
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