Save. Spend. Splurge.

In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where I don’t see the point of diamonds..

It still boggles my mind that diamonds fetch so much money. I guess I am not into jewellery enough to care about precious stones. To me, a crystal that is coloured is just as pretty as a diamond. What’s the point? I can’t tell the difference… ( as certain readers REALLY into rings *cough cough*, start fuming over their cup of coffee because I’m declaring how much I don’t care about diamonds… sorry.. <3 )

This stylish striped silk top is exactly what hangs in my wardrobe in triplicate…

Watch out in your neighbourhood for these mini Sephora boutiques to appear.

I bought this Banana Republic skirt and love it. It feels solid, a bit safari and it has DEEP POCKETS. I would have gone for this skirt too because I like the tie but I am not into mini skirts.

This is modeling on steroids.. these girls pose in over 150 outfits a day, with a minute to change into the next. This is like Fashion Week. Insane. INSANE. And this is a job? … ugh. A live model, indeed.

I discovered these handmade wooden sunglasses in a store, and am very tempted to buy a pair. The price is $$$ though. O_o Still!

LINK LOVE BACK! Hear – See – Change talks about the minimalist wardrobe of her dreams.


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