In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Where being a feminist doesn’t mean you need to support and like every stupid woman you meet.
FINALLY. Someone who has given a less than glowing account of Lasik eye surgery. I have pretty much the exact same prescription (that is to say terrible), but none of that (current) dryness, etc that Jewel has experienced with contacts. Everyone I have ever talked to about it, raved about it, but I am the kind of person who searches out the bad account so I can have a realistic idea of what it will do to my eyes. Thank you.
These ankle strap wedges (WEDGES, can you believe what I am saying right now), are very, very pretty.
“Do you actually wear those clothes or just model them?”, asks Cassie. I can confirm to you that my Instagram #OOTD shots are 100% real. I actually wear (not to mention eat) all that I post, which is why you don’t really see 4″ heels when I am claiming to be toting around my toddler all day for errands and you don’t see any salads gracing my posts as main meals when we all know they’re just snacks to an actual meal (that is not to say it has to have meat though).
These army green pants look kind of perfect, style-wise, for a pair of sleek but casual cargo-esque khakis. I only wish they would tell me the bloody rise of these things. High? Mid? Low? I also like the belted look on these pants and they’re high-rise!
How to write a cold call LinkedIn message and nail an interview. I like it! I don’t do that, mind you, but I would if my industry allowed me to just blindly write to people and actually get a job.
Casual, simple, and STRIPED. This blouse under $50 is very tempting right now especially since I can wear it with white pants and feel very put together.
Being a rather skeptical person, healing crystals are something I’d do as a fun thing to do, but I wouldn’t take it seriously. Crystal power healing is becoming a very lucrative business, which I first scoffed yet, and yet…. I read my Chinese horoscope every year and find it eerily accurate (or maybe I just want it to be accurate so I will my life to bend to its predictions. LOL).
This bodysuit would 100% solve your problems of tucking in a shirt and keeping it tucked in.
I don’t have to like every woman to be a feminist, and I’d wish other women would stop accusing me of being a b*tch for not supporting other women. I support them, I just don’t agree with all of their views or values, which is the same treatment I give to men — the total and perfect definition of equality, in my book.
A saleslady tried to sell me on these exact pants. I tried them on (naturally), but could only think: hot air ballon, up up and away!
Speaking of feminism, I didn’t even realize that I subconsciously look out for these cues for what it is like when I start at a new client (not that I care much, mind you, I am not an employee), but I certainly do make notes, and I even have a checklist of whether or not the company is a good fit for consulting (which determines how much I want to stay, which also determines how much I am willing to bend over backwards for them).
I am a real sucker for shirtdresses, and this one is no exception, with the sleeveless option being great to throw a jacket over.
On lifestyle inflation and spending. Oh man…. The stories I could tell about how when I was younger, I thought $50 was a dang lot of money for something. Now? I am looking at things that cost 6X if not more than that.
The deep, rich, purply magenta colour of these sandals is divine.
Love all around up in here.
I love it when my great friend & awesome blogger Revanche actually reads my style posts and enjoys them because I feel like she is so much more advanced money-wise than I am, that I sometimes feel super guilty for spending so much on clothing. So when she linked to my post on dressing differently now versus before, I was elated. <3
At my last eye exam for glasses, the nurse told me that at my age (64) a reputable eye doctor probably wouldn’t do Lasik on me due to the likelihood of needing cataract surgery in the future. After my .husband’s cataract surgery he didn’t need glasses for about 2 years but then he started wearing them again..
I don’t consider myself a feminist because it seems like it carries with it a commandment that you must support everything and anything other women do, even if it falls into the crude, outrageous, or just plain stupid. I don’t believe in the group think that various groups demand so I’ll simply be my individual self.
The big issues that arise after LASIK often don’t surface until a decade or longer after the procedure; the main ones being intolerable dry eyes and regression (needing glasses again). Dry eye doesn’t sound like a major problem, but people who have it can be quite uncomfortable.
Also, keep all the pre-operative exam documentation. It will be very useful when you eventually get cataracts and need those removed. People who have had LASIK have unpredictable outcomes from cataract surgery due to their eyes being abnormally curved from the laser.
Thank you so much for the tag! It’s an honour to be featured on your blog. I too appreciate truly honest reviews. I know some bloggers who only do reviews on things they love and can speak positively on, but I think it adds an air of authenticity when you blog about things that don’t always meet your needs. I don’t believe in bad mouthing a brand or product, but I do believe in constructive feedback to help consumers.
Revanche @ A Gai Shan Life
Since I did the same as you with searching out all the bad experiences, I have been totally shocked that PiC’s experience was so incredibly smooth in this first year. Except for his eyelashes getting glued together the afternoon of the procedure 😀 Needless to say I will remain skeptical and watchful of issues for the next 20 years.
It still horrifies me anyway because he was apparently a prime candidate and I have no idea if I would be should I need it, but the very idea of LASIK is shudderworthy. Also that price tag! Geez.
You’re welcome for the link 😉 You know I don’t judge. You make way more than I do and save way more than I do, you’re doing just fine with money!