In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Confessions of an overnight tech millionaire
1. Jackpot
A very interesting read on someone’s thoughts about basically becoming a millionaire overnight.
2. Plated
I would buy $16 plates like this, only to display them on a wall in a grouping because they are just stunning.
3. Multi-task or not to multi-task?
I say NAY. No to multi-tasking. It makes you less productive, and this Every Girl article agrees with me.
4. Olive Branch
This cute gold gilded mirror is on sale. I definitely want one of these in my future home.
5. 101-year old Pasta Granny
Love watching them. They are such experts in pasta, it’s incredible to watch.
6. Whimsy
I am very very close to ordering this racoon lamp. I think it is beyond ADORABLE.. and I have never felt this way about a lamp in my life. I really want this trash panda lamp now.
7. Audacity of this hypocrite
It’s unspeakable. I don’t even know how guys like this exist.
8. Hotel vibes
The cuteness doesn’t stop because this jewellery stand is a hotel cart, and it is beyond adorbs.
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