In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.
What I liked this week:
I loved this Map your Brain quiz. Question #4 was particularly relevant as a PF Blogger. I’m an optimistic perfectionist.
I really want this necklace but can’t decide if this one is drool-worthy or hideous.
- Are these pickup lines for real? Actually the shocked question should be more..Do guys even think it works!? *
- Tree goats. Yes. Tree goats.
- Net worths. What centile are you in? I’m hovering in the 70s.
- Negotiation done right. Best tip of this post? STOP TALKING.
- 85 most disruptive business ideas in history. #81 is my godsend.
- Normcore was a bust as a business marketing move for The Gap, but hey, at least they tried.
- How old are you? No wait, just tell me your name. I can guess from that.
- My inner bookworm is squirming with joy at these awesome libraries.
- How do female CEOs make it to the top? The same way male ones do, guys.
- YES. A thousand times YES to this pre-parenting, pregnancy rant. What we need to do is kick the ass of people like this.
- Can you trust your favourite PF writer? I suggest you take everyone’s writing with a grain of salt. Including mine.
- Props to this PF blogger for swallowing her pride.
- 21 genius hacks for fashion fixes. Must. Read. Some I already knew, except for the one about shaving cream…
- Text neck. It’s a real problem on your spine, folks.
*c/o eemusings
The Asian Pear
I FINALLY found a browser that can run the Map my Brain thing and got to do it. (My browsers all kept crashing 🙁 )
I’m Vincent van Gogh + Ludwig van Beethoven. I hope this doesn’t mean I’ll lose my ear or anything… O_O;
I actually ended up in a lot of pain last month from “text neck”. Since then, I’ve revised my texting habit, bought a new pillow and got a deep tissue massage that almost decapitated me. Text neck is real!
Taylor Lee @ Engineer Cents
Great “in the world”, as always. I am a Leonardo da Arc (Leonardo da Vince + Joan of Arc) and in the 60th percentile for net worth.
No Nonsense Landlord
Regarding the net worth percentiles…
The sad part here is that everyone here in the USA, if they have enough drive, ambition and determination, can be a millionaire, but few actually are.
Work hard, save, and you can do it. But you will likely not do it punching a clock. Work a side gig, and start a business.