In the world of Save. Spend. Splurge.: Vintage mirrors and the best money articles of 2016.
I love looking at this apartment for its design and details but I DO NOT want to live there. Too much on display. Too much black. I do love that vintage mirror though. I’d totally put that in.
- The best personal finance articles of 2016.
- Acne makes the cosiest looking sweaters. This one, and this one and this one.
- What to wear: The Guide to Tricky Situations… WITH PICTURES!. My favourite: Rule of thumb: If you’d wear it to the beach, a concert, or a music festival, we don’t want to see it in an office.
- While I like this look in principle, and on her.. I can’t pull it off. Wide, baggy pleated 90s dated-style pants? I’d have to pair it with a very tight top to even hope to make this happen, if at all. I’d look like a backup dancer on some video from the 90s. I crave that sweater though…. Looks like this one.
- A Moleskine Voyageur (Travel) Notebook!! Where was this beauty when I was traveling all that time BBB? (Before Baby Bun). Garrrgh. Well maybe I’ll buy it in the future once Baby Bun is older and we can travel together as a family.
- This outfit by Brooklyn Blonde has re-ignited my lust again for a great grey coat (obviously.) The only thing is that I want to hold out for something simple, elegant, without a trench-look to it (my black Burberry one already looks like a trench), and is a wrap coat with interesting sleeve details. Oh wait. You mean like THIS ONE!? *googly eyes*
- Do we (and by we, I mean us.. collectively).. believe that sleeping on a silk pillowcase helps prevent wrinkles? I wonder. This one looks pretty cute. I’m tempted to try it out.
- I am not a beauty blogger or remotely interested in being one by any stretch of the imagination (using just two colours of eyeshadow stresses me out, let alone 3 and trying a smoky eye), so this article was interesting about makeup vaults, but I think Urban Decay has jumped the shark with their Naked Palettes because I still have the original and I am working through it. I do think their Basic Naked Palette is the one (in hindsight) I should have purchased. Live & learn.
- I stalked this hooded sweater for ages at my local retailer and when I went to buy it (it went on sale), it SOLD OUT. Then I found it again here… Comes in ivory and ‘coastal’ (dark blue), and has a HOOD.
- A super powerful personal shopper’s account of how she does it (click on the WSJ first link in Google to bypass the paywall), and another account of a personal shopper for celebrities. I and a good friend of mine toyed with the idea of becoming shoppers, but ultimately we sort of let the idea die because it’s too much work for what it is to shop for OTHERS. While I like the idea of someone else shopping for me and my style, I sort of love the hunt, so I’d rather do it on my own and be pleased with my finds, so I really just.. like.. shopping for myself. 😉 How selfish right?
- I am sorely tempted to buy this sheepskin jacket, but it is not the one I really want, which is this one obviously.
- About the men who scale back their own careers out of circumstances or conscious decisions so that their wives can climb the ladder. I guess women are taken for granted when they do it for their ambitious husbands, so it isn’t something to discuss. These men, have a cool nickname too: “The Scale Backers”…
- You know I’m a sucker for maps and things like that, so this coordinates bangle is my THING and looks way better than this flashy Cartier bangle or this hideous Hermès dog collar as a bracelet (WTF?).
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