Stay at home and take care of your kids, or go to work?
It just popped into my head the other day, about all the choices people make about setting up their household — having the husband or wife stay at home with the kids or to ha
The Multiple Emails in a single Gmail Address Hack
I recently learned about this a few months ago and finally got around to writing about it. If I didn’t know about it, I’m taking a chance that some of you don’t k
Wealthy people hold assets, the rest are in debt.
Know what else wealthy people do? They… Don’t own most of their net worth in real estate (e.g. their primary residence) Don’t want to be a slave to anyone or any
Feminism just means you want to be fair to everyone
Whenever someone says: “I’m a feminist”, the immediate thought that was always conjured up in my head is a hippie who goes braless, doesn’t shave anywhere,
The Millennial Generation and Their First Job Expectations
I’ve been thinking about generations and stereotypes a lot lately. STEREOTYPES Older generations are painted as having had rosy, lovely, unhurried lives where they milked cow
What would you do if money was no object?
Today is my 2 year blogoversary (YAY!), so I thought I’d bring you an inspiring video… “If you say that money is the most important thing, you’ll spend your life c
Being direct and assertive is not a character flaw
I find that when men are direct and assertive, people expect it of them and enjoy it. When a woman does it (such as myself), people consider it a flaw. Case in point: I had a woman
What accounts for the salary difference between being an employee or a CEO?
A lot of people would say it’s attributed to the fact that a CEO worked harder to get where he or she is. Others, would say perhaps, but it’s also because they had conn
Reasons why business owners tend to be wealthier
It’s not really because they’re any smarter. It’s more because if they handle their finances correctly (a crucial subject), they can avoid a lot of headaches and
I really don’t care what my kids will do as a profession when they’re older
…as long as it isn’t illegal or otherwise salacious, I’m okay with pretty much any profession. (No leaders of mafias, strippers, or drug dealers please.) Why? Bec