Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Working in China
This is part of my Travel Series. — RUSH HOUR IS NUTS, WORSE THAN WHAT I’VE EXPERIENCED Insanity! Can I just show you my video of how crazy rush hour is in the morning?
Living my life on credit — The Freelancer’s Way
As a freelancer, I was thinking the other day that we actually live our whole lives on a form of credit, that is a credit to ourselves. Every time I stop working, I am aware that t
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Super Clean Beijing and Shanghai
This is part of my Travel Series. — I hear this is something that is not normal in other Chinese cities, but Beijing and Shanghai were SPOTLESS. Not a single speck of a spec
There’s such a thing as a “free” lunch in France!
Just an interesting tidbit I thought I’d share about tickets repas in France and Belgium. WHAT THE HECK ARE TICKETS REPAS? They are meal tickets (kind of like food stamps)
Why don’t I just let my partner provide for me while I am pregnant / on maternity leave?
Tracy brought up a great question A LONG WHILE BACK in my December 2013 Budget roundup that I thought I ought to address properly in a post. (I am REALLY happy she asked this!): A
What is your real wage per hour?
Everyone knows what they earn. They just take the gross income their employer promised them ($40,000), and say: I earn $40,000 a year! Then if you want to make it net income, you r
Travel: What it’s like to visit China – Food Vendors and Stalls
These are the things you can expect to see in China, in terms of their famed food vendors and stalls (none of which I tried, for personal reasons). RESTAURANTS THE WAY THEY WERE IN
Should there only be one breadwinner in the family?
An interesting post states that from a rational, economic standpoint, there should only be ONE breadwinner in a family, not two: While many will argue that the theory of Comparativ
How much should I charge as a freelancer?
To figure out how much you’d charge per hour, ask yourself: How much would you normally get at a job as a base salary? Take that amount, double it, and divide by 2000, and th
If men were the ones to get pregnant and give birth, like seahorses, the world would be so different
Seriously. If men were the ones to get pregnant and give birth, they would not be saying the shizz they’re saying in the comments on this post about how a Toronto coder hear